

  • Do you suffer with sinuses and headaches?
  • Do you blocked or congested?
  • Does your head constantly feel full and foggy with an overload of thoughts and emotions?

Candling is an ancient technique where a candle is placed over certain areas of the face that alleviates sinus, headaches and congestion. It is a gentle practise that allows healing to take place and unblocks areas that have become congested.

It can also provide relief and clearing over our 3rd eye. Our 3rd eye is our ability to see and feel the future with ease. When we are in stress or overwhelm our third eye can become foggy and the ability to witness what we are capable of seeing can be clouded with doubt and confusion. A candling healing can alleviate the clear the energy around the situation and allow you see from a place of alignment and bring you back to your body and natural state of being.

Akashic Soul Guidance Clarity Session (Online)

  • Do you have an area of your life that you would like to be supported in?
  • Do you need some guidance around a certain situation?
  • Is there a question in which you require guidance?

The Akashic Records in the simplest of terms is the library to our soul. It is not a physical place rather it is our connection to our highest self and where the answers lie to our own inner wisdom and knowing. Akashic Soul Guidance allows the reader to tune into what your soul is wanting to communicate at this time.

The Akashic Records can support you in many areas of your life and is able to provide creative inspiration and emotional support. During the 1:1 session online we workshop the area of your life in which you require support and by the end of the session I provide you with detailed insight to what was uncovered and where clarity has been gained and support provided.
