Sonia Muraca

All articles by Sonia Muraca


5. “We hold the wisdom to the ancient ways; we will bring peace to these troubled days” – Lisa Dancing – Light

(My dad and uncle doing what they do best) This morning I woke up with a song on repeat in my mind. It got louder as I was making my cup of tea so I stopped and felt that there was perhaps a message that I needed to receive. There was one line in particular...
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4. Growth requires you to leave the familiar behind

In 2015 my cousin died by suicide and chose to go home. I inherited her blue dinner set. My Zia gifted us with her earthly possessions and it is something that I use almost every day. Most days I don’t even notice it and on some days, it hits home harder than others. I often...
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2. From disconnection to creative inspired connection.

In September 2020 I didn’t just trip and fall, I fell smack bang on my face and had no idea what the F(*K had just happened. My mental health was on the decline and it was rapid, so much so that I had managed another admission into a psychiatric ward. A few months later I...
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1. When your chaos becomes your clarity

    Listening to our inner voice and knowing what is present in our bodies is not something we are generally taught to navigate. The disconnect that happens when we are not in alignment with ourselves can cause all kinds of chaos. For me personally I have known this all too well and had lived...
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5. When your pain becomes your purpose.

  To be able to communicate what has transpired in the last two years in a blog would be impossible. The lessons have been huge and the healing has not been linear. It hasn’t been fun and there has certainly been times where I have found earth a really a hard place to be. What...
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4. A breakdown, breakup and whole lot of breakthroughs!

I have wanted to write this blog for a long while and found myself sitting in a lot of resistance and fear. The last 2 years have been huge and one in which I am still unfolding. A dear friend passed away about a month ago and I was jolted into how precious and short...
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3. The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything. Albert Einstein

I am assisting someone with an appointment this week. I made contact with the medical practice to follow up the location and appointment time. I was informed that because of my medical status that I was unable to enter the practice and that I would need to wait outside. I informed the staff member that...
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2. If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you

  I have been blogging on and off for the last 8 or so years. Writing for me is a place where I feel that I can truly come home to express and process. It has taken me a while to want to start writing again as the last 12 or so months I had...
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1. Remember Who You Are

I have been missing from my blog for some time. Life has certainly been happening and I have been presented with lots of twists and turns along the way. A blog post possibly won’t justify where and how I’ve journeyed the last year, so for now my intention is to simply be present with what...
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3. I celebrate my unity with all life knowing we are one

The current state of what is happening in our world at the moment is far from pleasant. An issue that has been weighing heavily on my heart is the divide that continues to happen. Whilst we all want to believe that we have good intentions and that we are coming from a place of kindness...
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2. If you want to awaken all of humanity, awaken all of yourself. Lao Tzu

Our world and lives as we know it seems to be ever evolving. There is so much going on that at times it feels overwhelming. Over a week ago people around the country stood in unison and rallied for their freedom. Freedom to see their loved ones, to work, to roam, to socialise, to no...
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I have been fleetingly picking up books of late and came across The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown. I didn’t read it from cover to cover but I got what I needed at the time. The message I received was about courage, compassion and connection. About 3 months ago I had a breakdown and...
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14. I am willing to release the pattern in me that is creating and negative conditions in my life.

  Healing, growing and learning is an aspect of life that we are always visiting. Personal responsibility is one of my greatest values and a quality that I admire in others. When we are able to look at a situation from a perspective that offers a different viewpoint it is also able to release patterns...
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13. No one gets to choose for me. I make my own choices

  I went to a counselling session a few months ago. I was feeling very overwhelmed with life and not being able to see my family. My family is all based in Melbourne and I live on the Gold Coast. I have been living here for over 3 years. What I love most is that...
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12. I create a bubble of ease around me when I travel

Creating a bubble of ease feels pretty pertinent to me right now. I live on the Gold Coast and for most of the time the energy is light and vibrant. However this is not always the case. A few days ago I visited Centrelink for a client. I was attempting to advocate and was abruptly...
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I know that whoever is meant to be reading this will. It is such an exciting time in our lives when we can truly know and feel that we are part of unified consciousness to bring forth the light to this planet. What does this mean to me? 20 years ago after I experienced a...
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6. Today I move forward with confidence & ease.

I have struggled to blog lately. One of the “rules” that I imposed on myself is that I would write about living with a compassionate heart even on the days when I didn’t want to. This allows me to see another side. It doesn’t allow me to sit in my crap and lay blame, instead...
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6. Today is a great day to visualize, imagine, create and produce.

For the last week or so we have seen the words #blacklivesmatter# plastered all over social media and of course they absolutely do. We have seen and heard the injustices that are currently being played out and we are appalled and rightly so. However why is it only now that we feel that this has...
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5. My neighbourhood is a joy to live in. As neighbours, we are all friendly, concerned for each other’s welfare.

  I had to laugh when I read the affirmation for today! If you had of heard me only a few weeks ago you would I heard that I was being anything but friendly to my neighbour. For the last two years I have lived in a complex when pretty much from Day 1 there...
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4. No person, place or thing has any power over me; I am the only thinker in my mind.

Well well well isn’t this an appropriate affirmation for right about now. Where do we begin with the amount of “things” that are consuming our thoughts? What I do know is that I have my breath. Four breaths in, hold for 4 breaths and breathe out for 4. Easy to remember 444 and a reminder...
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3. I release and let go. I gladly give away all that I no longer need

I don’t feel that I need to preface this blog with any kind of reminder of what is going in our world. We know it; we feel it and at times not being able to process what is unfolding. I know for me it comes in waves, there is a rise of uncertainty that surges...
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3. My thoughts are my best friends. My inner dialogue is kind and loving.

My thoughts have been far from my best friends today. I woke up annoyed and angry and I can’t say there was any kind and loving dialogue going on. Did I wave a magic wand and automatically think kind and loving thoughts? No not really. Instead I decided to do something constructive with my churning...
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2. I release all guilt and emotional hurt. I am free.

I caught up with a friend while I was in Melbourne last week. Her brother passed away last year and her life has been turned upside down inside out in a way that she never imagined. We all deal with life differently. For now she is doing the best that she can with the challenges...
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1. The money that comes to me today is a pleasure to handle. I save some and I spend some.

The money that comes to me today is a pleasure to handle. I save some and I spend some. About 7 years ago I set myself an experiment. I had begun reading a book by Louise Hay that was about positive thoughts and affirmations. My eldest sister had gifted me the book for Christmas and...
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9. Be the change you wish to see in the world – GHANDI

I haven’t written for a while. Too long for my liking! I do know that it is the one thing that gets me out of my head and back into my true heart space and creativity. Why I haven’t written is simply because I haven’t felt like it, haven’t felt inspired nor have I felt...
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8. The gifts of Imperfection – Brene Brown

I spoke to my uncle a few days ago for his birthday. Uncles are such cool characters in our lives and they offer you a unique relationship. My uncle reminded me to be grateful for what we have, that time is precious and all we have is this moment. Sure it is what we know...
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7. Don’t stop dancing in the darkness – Sonia

  Suicide awareness week is approaching. For those that know me will also know that suicide awareness and prevention is something that I am passionate about and also something that is very close to my heart. When I use the words passionate and suicide in the same sentence it almost feels wrong. I am not...
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6. You can choose to climb without the struggle

Earlier this week I went indoor rock climbing to support a client that I work with. I haven’t been indoor rock climbing before so I was a little nervous about how I would go but also excited to do something new. What I can tell you is that I had heaps of fun. For the...
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5. Truth never damages a cause that is just – MAHATMA GHANDI

I have pondered about writing something around this issue and it is now the 2nd morning that I have awoken with anger and frustration. So instead of letting it seep out elsewhere I have decided to write about in the hope that truth and justice does prevail. I have worked in the community sector for...
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4. Choosing to wade through the mud is often what bears the greatest gifts

I woke up thinking about my cousin Cathy this morning. She took her own life over 4 years ago. I think of her a lot, but more so in my times of shutdown or when I am feeling somewhat disconnected to myself. Her life continues to offer me hope and inspiration. You see I don’t...
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3. Be the change you want to see in the world – GHANDI

I have been working the community services for the last 15 or so years. I have generally loved the jobs that I have had and have always done them with passion and purpose. That is not to say that I am a bag of roses each and every day when I go into work.  In...
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2. “Love thy Neighbour”

To say the last month or so has been an emotional roller coaster is an understatement. I haven’t had the energy nor have I felt very motivated to write. I know myself well so by not writing I am only doing myself a disservice. I noticed myself blaming others or situations about the way I...
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1. Where there is great love there are miracles – Willa Cather

I have felt the urge to write for a few days now. I am not sure why or what but I know that there is a part of me that needs to express. We all do. Our creative selves make up so much of our gift that we bring to the world, yet it sometimes...
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24. Relationships are like assignments. – Marianne Williamson

  I was reading one of my old time favourites – A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson. It is one of the books that I can pick up at any given time and flick it to a page and read what I am meant to for that particular time. When I read the line...
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23. Oh the things that you find if you don’t stay behind – Dr Suess

Some days are just shit, there is no rhyme or reason it just is. Sometimes it is a cascade of events that lead you to the space and you can identify what is going on for you. Our minds can be complex as we unravel our perception of what is. For me one of the...
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21. In our pain we find our greatest power. – Unknown

    I was listening to a podcast yesterday and came across this quote “in our pain we find our greatest power” I totally agree. It is often with pain and torment that we find and unearth a strength that we never knew existed. I know that the some of the greatest pain that I...
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“Love one another and you will be happy. It’s as simple and difficult as that” – Michael Leunig

I often look for quotes or pockets of inspiration to write about in my blog. Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason, I happen to come across something, it resonates and I write. What I do often find is that there is pretty much always something to learn and grow from. Without growth we lay...
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19. “If we don’t talk about it, it is never going to change” – Unknown

  I have been watching “13 Reasons Why” on Netflix for the last few weeks. Or one may call it a bit of binge watching.  It is a series about suicide, sexual abuse, violence, bullying – do I need to go on?  I am sure you get the picture. It is confronting, it is real...
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18. The simplicity of humanity can create magic – Sonia Muraca

I have just spent the last two days at a conference for Indigenous Health in Remote and Rural areas. I would have liked to have walked away from it feeling inspired and connected to the work that I do. It has in fact done the contrary. I am left feeling this way because of the...
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17. “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

A few days ago we woke to the news of a 22 year old that was murdered in Melbourne. She is the almost the same age as my niece and was killed in a part of Melbourne that I know all too well. It could have been anyone. My body reeled as it felt way...
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16. Love is what and why I do everything – Michelle Edwards

  (beautiful Michelle in Bali) I caught up with this inspiration of a woman yesterday. She has just returned from a whirlwind of a trip where she ran 84km across Bali. People came from across the globe to raise money for an organisation that supports an end to poverty through education. 84kms!!! I am lucky...
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15. “mise en place”

This word “mise en place” was mentioned to me a week or so ago and I loved the sound of it. I love words so I was intrigued to know what it meant. It is generally used in professional kitchens and signifies that everything is in its place before service. The word resonated and according...
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14. The Accidental Finding of Treasure – Clarissa Pinkola Estes

  I was driving into a shopping centre yesterday; I hadn’t been there before so I was driving in a careful and possibly slower manner than what I would normally. The guy behind me ever so eloquently “beeped” and mouthed that I should hurry up. Being the quiet wallflower that I am my response although...
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13. “Connect to the whispers of your soul for this is where the magic transpires” Sonia Muraca

I am not even sure what it is that I am going to write about today but what I do know is that I need to write. It is Sunday morning and the last few weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind. I have started a new job, moved in to a new home...
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12. I only own my mind – I am mine – Pearl Jam

A friend sent me this song this morning, the lyrics resonated and I connected with it. I am not sure why she sent it. There was no message just the song. I know and feel our connection beyond distance so I know that it was something that I needed to hear. I start a new...
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11. And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful that the risk it took to blossom – Anais Nin.

I woke this morning with a heavy head and feeling restless. One of the things I love most about where I live is that I can see the beach as soon as I walk out of my bedroom.  I walk across the road and the ocean is in front of me, it immediately soothes my...
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10. You are only free when you realise you belong no place- you belong every place-no place at all. The price is high. The reward is great – Maya Angelou

  I have come across this statement by Maya Angelou quite a few times as I have been reading the book, Braving the Wilderness by Brene` Brown. It is still a passage of writing that leaves me pondering with much to explore. The feeling of belonging for me is exactly where I am, even though...
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9. When I speak up it is a win win for everyone involved. – Emily Gower

A few months ago I had a mentoring session with an author. It was about my writing and the direction that I would like to go with that aspect of my life. It was a great session and prompted me in areas of my life that I hadn’t visited before. When you invest the time,...
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8. “When given the choice between being right or being kind choose kind.”

  I watched Wonder with my roomie last night. It was the perfect weather to be home on a Saturday night to watch a movie. With Maltesers and Twisties in tow, we assumed our positions on the couch, watched and cried as the lessons unveiled and the story of a very special young boy was...
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7. If you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got – Henry Ford

    This would have to be one of my favourite quotes and one that I tend to reflect on. It kept ringing through my head and I knew that it was time to write. I have been writing a blog for quite some time. It has generally been about writing with a compassionate heart...
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