1. Remember Who You Are


I have been missing from my blog for some time. Life has certainly been happening and I have been presented with lots of twists and turns along the way. A blog post possibly won’t justify where and how I’ve journeyed the last year, so for now my intention is to simply be present with what is. It sounds great in theory and truly an art to manifest. If anything the last two years have taught us that being present is all we really have. The world as we knew it is no longer and in some ways that is worth celebrating.

What I can say is the last couple of years for me have been an absolute shit show. The lessons profound, quick and at times feel like you have fallen flat on your face with little room to breathe. I am not going to sugar coat or promote that everything happens for a reason or that the mess has become the message. To be perfectly honest everything I have once known doesn’t seem to matter anymore and all I know for certain is what is present in the here and now. What is real and what is not for each and every one of us.

What I am learning again is to trust. Disconnection to self and living in our current climate has been fkn hard (well for me it has been). I have struggled for the last 18 months or so big time and I have questioned time and time again what it is all truly about. Big questions I know and not ones that I have solid answers for. What was is no longer and what I have believed to be true and real is in fact, merely a distraction.

So for now what I feel to be real and true is to be simply in my light and darkness. I have sat in the murkiness and glory of my darkness for a while now. I didn’t rush the process, I didn’t force myself to feel better and I certainly didn’t practice positivity. In fact I did the opposite and accepted myself for where I was in those moments. The grace of time is allowing me to uncover the gifts that I am surely and slowly unwrapping, but this time I am in no hurry.

To truly surrender to what is, to remember who I am and why I am here. I am not going to profess that by any means of the imagination that I have it all worked out. Trust me I don’t, however what I do know is what exists is no longer working. I am tired of the old paradigm that we have lived in for so long and perhaps it is simply time to create a new one. A world where we tap into the ancient wisdom and inner knowing, remembering who we truly are.

With a splash of mermaid magic and let unicorns lead your way.


Sonia xxo




I know that whoever is meant to be reading this will. It is such an exciting time in our lives when we can truly know and feel that we are part of unified consciousness to bring forth the light to this planet. What does this mean to me? 20 years ago after I experienced a vision of a deceased love one. His message was to simply speak my truth. So I did. Weeks later the marriage I was in broke down and I was later hospitalized because life was simply too much. I was admitted for being delusional and presenting with mania.

For the last 20 years it feels that I have been enrolled into the University of Life so that I have come to know and understand my own light and soul purpose in this world. All I know right now is that the world needs more light and healing than ever before. Is this one thing that as a collective we can simply agree on regardless of what we believe? Can we truly see and feel that the light within me is simply the light within you and that we are all connected as one.

We are currently in a global pandemic or so we are being told and I am not sure about you but I am really physically tired of trying to explain to people that something simply feels off. Instead it has turned into a shit storm of governments, vaccinations, masks, dictatorship and the list goes on and on. Where I can find peace is to truly know and understand my purpose. None of us have any idea what is going to happen and to be perfectly honest if we are leaving it up to the current leaders of the world it also doesn’t feel very hopeful. However what does feel hopeful is what we can imagine.

I haven’t always had courage to tell the world that I was hospitalized in a psychiatric ward because of fear of being ridiculed. Instead what I know now is what others think and feel of me is simply none of my business. Who am I? Who are you? Who are we? We are light beings of love having a human experience at this time. What is our role and responsibility to ourselves, our family, and our communities? Who and what are we representing right now? With our governments being in such disarray who will we choose to follow? Or is this simply an unfolding of our current systems crumbling because we need to rebuild? I don’t want things to go back to normal. Our existence prior was nothing short of normal. Consumerism, starvation, homelessness, domestic violence, rising numbers in suicide and our ageing communities suffering in ways that are beyond an explanation. Is this what we want to go back to? Once we can truly feel and know that we are in fact our own shining light for our path then we can we can create the change that we want to be in the world.


With a splash of mermaid magic and let unicorns lead your way.


Sonia xxo


4. No person, place or thing has any power over me; I am the only thinker in my mind.


Well well well isn’t this an appropriate affirmation for right about now. Where do we begin with the amount of “things” that are consuming our thoughts? What I do know is that I have my breath. Four breaths in, hold for 4 breaths and breathe out for 4. Easy to remember 444 and a reminder that angels are near. What I do know is that I am now hearing more of the kindness and miracles instead of the fear and panic. I am choosing to be very intentional about what is consuming my thoughts.

If I am feeling overwhelmed I redirect myself to the present. I am finding activities that allow me to get out of my head and back into my heart. I have found a global prayer to give out a new intention to the world. I am accepting that there is a new way. We may not know which way right now but what we do know is that there is a lot of love and there is always hope. I am limiting the amount of time that I watch\listen to the news. I am choosing to be really kind to myself and taking notice of what my mind, body and soul needs. I am honouring all of my feelings and allowing myself to cry when I need to. There is a lot of heaviness and we are feeling it as a collective. So for me it is about finding ways to release what I need to. I am finding that singing “we are the world” simply allows me to feel, sometimes happy, sometimes sad but with a lot of faith and love for humanity. To know that there is a bigger picture in all of it and holding onto that vison opposed to one soaked in panic and fear.

As I was walking into my home this evening a butterfly greeted me, and my partner letting me know there was a dragon fly behind me. It is the simplicity of this new world that now brings so much in what we once may have forgotten. A few days ago I was connecting with my fairy cards in nature and received the message “music”. Soon after a beautiful soul appeared and started sharing her music with the park. It instantly sang to my soul and reminded me that magic happens. Her name happened to be Isabella who shares the same name as my niece. They both play the ukulele and heal others with their music. During these moments I know that as a collective we are so supported and connected.

We have the choice to take back our power from any person, place or thing. I am sure we know all know what the “thing” is. We can succumb to the fear and panic or we can choose to be in our power of the miracles we are witnessing, our connection to mother earth, kindness and above all else LOVE. No person, place or thing has any power over me; I am the only thinker in my mind. We’ve got this! Lead with love and light.


With a splash of mermaid magic and let unicorns lead your way.


Sonia xxo

3. I release and let go. I gladly give away all that I no longer need


I don’t feel that I need to preface this blog with any kind of reminder of what is going in our world. We know it; we feel it and at times not being able to process what is unfolding. I know for me it comes in waves, there is a rise of uncertainty that surges through my body so I just allow it to be and breathe. There is energy that is happening around us that we haven’t felt before and our bodies need to adjust to what is going on. I have allowed myself to feel what I need to and my “help” support drops, clearing spray and essential oils have become my new best friends. I am being reminded of how calming nature is. I am feeling a deeper appreciation of butterflies, dragonflies and feathers appearing. The scents of nature, the fairies playground and the songs of the birds chirping reminding us that we simply need to stop feel and listen. A birthing of the new that earth needs right now.

I knew that I had to write when I saw the quote. What came up for me when I started to feel into it was where the fk do I start with what I need to let go? What mattered only a week ago has no significance now. What matters now is so much more expansive that what we can imagine. To the empty shelves of food, the noise of social media and when our norm is social distancing and hand sanitizer I truly have become overwhelmed with what I gladly give away. It feels like there is so much to process at any given time. I know that being present in this moment means so much more to me than what it ever has. To be reminded of what is real and to truly see life now from a lighter, simpler, more loving and kinder world that simply needed to come forth.

I miss my family now more than ever but it has also allowed me feel and know that there is a deeper understanding of love and connection. That as a collective family we need to be supporting humanity every other day in any which we can. The lessons are happening thick and fast and it feels like we are moving on from one thing to the next all whilst quietly knowing that it is going to be OK.

There are dolphins swimming in the canals in Venice and mother earth absolutely loves the relief. Our soul can feel it. We are coming home back to us. So what I do know is that I gladly give away what I no longer need and that is fear and anxiety. To ensure that I take the time to breathe to come back to what I know. To have those soul connections no matter where I am for we are all truly connected. To know that it is time for all of us to step up to humanity, to be reminded that we are one, we are light.


With a splash of mermaid magic and let unicorns lead your way.


Sonia xxo