I am a channel of peace. Every word, though and action that I take is PEACE.

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For last few weeks for some reason I have had a hymn that has been going through my head. “Make me a channel of your peace” which is a prayer of St Francis.  Today I sat and reflected of this hymn that has been playing time and time again in my thoughts I felt what it actually meant to me. As I spend time in Cambodia I learn so much and it makes me realise even more how much personal responsibility that we ALL need to take in the world! It is not just about spending time in a third world country but having an awareness of what makes our heart sing, what our gift is to the world and how honoured it is to share it with others.

In March this year I lost my cousin to suicide. It tore my heart and the pain and grief associated with her death has been immense. This week for me has been a myriad of emotions which have ranged from pure joy to such injustice and sadness. The magic of Cambodia is the contrast that it displays on so many levels and why I love it so much. I know my cousin has been by my side especially this week as I follow my heart and know that a lot of my healing has happened here. What I know even more now is how much the stigma of mental health needs to dissipate so we are able to heal and share our love and magic in the world.

I read a quote today that said “The greatest journey you will make is from your head to heart” This few words are so simple yet so profound and if I can sum up what gifts Cambodia has bestowed on me it would be my journey from my head to my heart. Depression and mental illness comes from living in your head. Living in our heads is fuckin dangerous and can only cause havoc and chaos in our minds and lives. It puts us into our own world and we do not have the capacity to go outwards and feel what it is that we need to feel for ourselves and others.

Being a channel of peace means for me that it is time to step up and be proud of what depression and mental illness represents. I feel that the death of my beloved cousin Cathy has been paired to shed hope, love and light to others. That the struggle of suicide is something that no person should ever feel is the answer. That we are all one in our beloved universe and we all have the ability share our own unique gifts and light in this world. If there is one gift that I am able to give to the world it is to shed hope and light to those that have ever felt that suicide is the answer. Discovering my journey from my head to my heart is one that comes from pain and grief but transcends to bliss and magic. I am a channel of peace. Every word, though and action that I take is PEACE. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow you day.

With love



8. I look forward with joyous anticipation to what this day brings.


When we live with purpose and we know that we are following our heart looking forward to what each day brings is refreshing and exciting. My blog this year is about creating change with compassion.  My life has not always looked and felt the way that is does now. Sure there are days when I drag my sorry ass out of bed with a serious case of “can’t be f*T” but these days are very far and few between. For most of the time I welcome each day with what it brings as I know there are so many wonderful things that I love to do and want to accomplish (although today in Melbourne it is raining and such a sweet day to lie in bed and read).

Having had depression for many years on and off I know the feeling all too well of not looking forward to the joyous anticipation of what each day brings. It has been over 10 years now and I have not been or had the need to be on any anti-depressant medication. This was to the contrary of doctors who told me that I would be on medication for the rest of my life. I am in no way shape of form suggesting that medication is something to be tampered with or nor am I saying that it does not have a purpose. Rather what I am saying is that everything is possible.

One of the biggest hurdles and challenges to overcome when you are living with depression is finding purpose. In the midst of your own blackness it feels like there is absolutely nothing to live for let alone wanting to get out of bed and face the day. It doesn’t justify to write in this short amount of space all about depression rather just a snippet that if you are reading this and are finding yourself feeling flat I encourage you to get out of your head space and feel into your heart. Express what it is that you are feeling to somebody that you trust, in your own words in a song, write about it, do whatever, just don’t keep it supressed inside of you. Trust me it comes up and whenever it wants to as well.

If there is one small thing that you can do for to get out of your head and that is to do something for somebody who is in a less fortunate situation than yourself. There are so many people and organisations that are in desperate need of help and volunteers and it will allow you to feel for another rather than living in your own head. Living in your own head only leads to shitty conversations with self and a big fat headache. I encourage you to do something differently because if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got. I look forward with joyous anticipation to what this day brings. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.



With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



4. I am in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing.


I was speaking to a friend just the other day about that where you are in your life is exactly where you are meant to be. Sometimes the universe knows what is best for us and forces us to make changes. Sometimes these changes can be ones that are welcomes and sometimes there are unpleasant curveballs that throw us into a tailspin and life is never quite the same. None the less good bad or indifferent we are at the right place at the right time doing the right thing. I know for me personally that each time that there has been pain or suffering in my life it is because there is a greater plan working for me, no matter how crap it may have felt at the time.

What I do think about when I write this affirmation for today are all the people that are living in third world and war torn countries. Are they in the right place at the right time doing the right thing?  It makes my heart heavy and sad that simply because of where one is born that there is so much suffering that is attached to it. For all the asylum seekers that are seeking refuge, are they at the right place at the right time?  I may not have all the answers, but what I do know is the fact they do not have a choice allows me to feel more passionate about justice and peace in our world. So many times I hear people say to me “you can’t change the world” blah blah is all I hear now. What I do know is that “when you change the way you look at things the things you look at change” a quote which is one of my favourites from Dr Wayne Dwyer.

So right now I totally feel that everything is the way that it is meant to be. The more that we are able to create change the more the world will shift and create movement towards justice and peace. Everything is possible. It may not happen in this lifetime but there is certainly hope for our children to live in a world where suffering does not exist. In the meantime if there is an aspect of your life that is able to bring peace, kindness or compassion to another then do just that. The ripple effect is amazing and there are so many acts of service that you can do no matter how big or small. I am in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



193. Know That Love is the Key

God and angels,

I ask for your assistance in opening my heart. Please help me be aware of my soul, mind and body. Guide me to leave behind any old pain, anger, or hurt and enter the New Year with a clean and open heart. Assist me in loving fearlessly, with grace and acceptance. Help me love like an angel.

Thank You.

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Today is the last day of 2014. I thought it fitting to choose the last affirmation from the book Daily Guidance from your Angels by Doreen Virtue. Earlier this year in April I set myself a challenge to heal open and soothe my heart space. About a month ago I came to the realisation that if my intention was to take 365 days to open , heal and soothe my heart space then it would not be till April next year till this happened. It was one of those moments when I had to giggle at myself and simply just feel that the time was now.

As I close off the year spending some time away in a beautiful bush setting, I feel so much gratitude for the year and the lessons that have prevailed. For me this year resonates with freedom because of the magnificence of layers that have been unveiled and simply because of the love I have in my heart for myself and others. I am not perfect nor do I claim to be but what I do know is that I have found peace in my heart that I have not known before. Love that resonates not because of a man or a relationship that I am in but because of the love and compassion I have for myself. Although I am happy to put it out there that I am ready for the perfect relationship with a man. J

The work that I do in Cambodia continues to teach me gratitude in ways that I have not experienced before. Having travelled to Cambodia twice this year it is now a part of my life where being of service to others simply is what I do and who I am. Our responsibility to each other is what is real. This is my passion in life and what makes my heart sing.

As I sit and write my final blog for 2014 I feel in my heart what have been the most important lessons. To have no judgement of others as we are all the same. To learn to let go of situations, resentment and bitterness, for it is with full responsibility and knowing that in some way I have created and attracted whatever it may be in my life. To know that we are all equal and that we are one tribe in our universe. To love with no fear for when I truly love myself then love is unconditional.  To be of service, as it is our responsibility for living on planet earth. To have compassion towards myself and others, for without compassion in our hearts we cannot truly love and without love there in no other. That life is truly magical and filled with miracles each and every day. I am one with the universe. I am love. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.




190. Enjoy Being Highly Focused

As I easily focus on whatever I choose, I learn rapidly and thoroughly. My mind is nimble and powerful. I am brilliant because I am one with God’s magnificent mind.


Oh funny ol universe!! I randomly selected an affirmation from my book Daily Guidance from your Angels by Doreen Virtue a few days I chose this affirmation and didn’t feel like writing it. Possibly because I wasn’t focussed on what I was doing and as a result remained scattered for the rest of the day. Today the same affirmation appeared to me when I asked the universe\angels what it was that I would be writing about today. Bingo there it was again! About a month ago I was annoyed about Christmas, not because it not a time of year that I enjoy, rather the amount of “stuff” that is consumed during this time and all the hoo haa that is attached to it. In some ways it still holds a heavy place in my heart about how much emphasis we place on one day. Instead what I have come to realise that if this is where I allow my energy to be focused then I will remain bitter and annoyed about Christmas and miss the many miracles that are happening all around me.

What this affirmation and realisation has shown me is that perhaps me on my lonesome can’t change the world but you know what I CAN make a difference. My actions cause a reaction and so forth. There was a profound comment that I heard the other day whilst I was doing a workshop. It went something like this “We don’t have to love each other but at the very least we should be able to be loyal and to trust one another” For me this summed up so much and allowed me to see life from a perspective that I had not come to see before. Christmas time brings about so many emotions for different people and can range from pure bliss and elation to desperation and despair.  We tend to put so much focus on one day of the year and to some degree that is cool. It is cool because for one day people are extra loving and kind and peace is shared. It is what happens after this day is where we are required to still be highly focused on love and peace.

I can choose to be annoyed about all that is consumed at Christmas time or I can become highly focussed on being love and peace with compassionate and in particular to those who may not be a part of my life for whatever reason. For if I continue to resent and repel against another human then this is only what I will attract. Not sure about you but I would much rather be peace and love than resentment and anger. For if this is what I focus not only at Christmas time but each and every day then my mind can only be nimble and powerful. So thank you for the lessons universe in which I continue to learn and grow only with love and peace. I am peace. I am love. I am compassionate. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



188. Feed Your Heart

I nurture my heart and am compassionate towards myself. I reassure it gently, promising my intuitive guidance in every relationship. My angels protect me in all ways.


The more I open my heart space and trust the more I know that I am divinely guided by my own heart and intuition. I has set out to write this blog a few days ago and didn’t. Now I feel why. As we all wake to the siege in Sydney, the loss of lives and the absolute terror of the ordeal I am also aware of what some of us may be feeding with our own thoughts and feelings. With such an event occurring so close to Christmas it brings the feelings to even more a forefront. It is beyond devastating but you know what shit like this happens every fuckin day in parts of the world and for most of the time we are oblivious to it! We are so far removed from it that we only remember to pray for peace and harmony when it is our own backyard.

Are we acting from a place of peace and love each and every day of our own lives? Do we speak to our neighbours, are we kind to our ex husbands or wives, do we even speak to our own family members? Yet we expect there to be world peace when we can’t even be peaceful within our own hearts, immediate family and community. This is not about blaming but let’s wake up and take some responsibility as a whole rather than blaming the government, other religions or each other for the devastation and injustice in the world that we live in.

People are dying of world hunger each and every day yet we throw away bucket loads of food. Animals die so we can have beauty products yet we don’t seem to flinch. Families are dying all over the world because of political unrest, yet a man kills a couple of people in Sydney and all hell breaks loose and rightly so. I am in no way shape or form paying any less attention to the lives that will be affected forever because of this, make no mistake it is gut wrenching, rather what my heart is feeling is that this is the level of awareness we should have each and every day of our lives.

What comes to mind as I conclude my blog for today is one of the commandments; irrespective of what religion its association is “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” This phrase is so simple yet so profound. What I encourage today is to feel what it is that you have to feel but recognise that peace and love is a place where we ought to be coming from each and every time. Yes tell your family you love them and hug your kids a little tighter but more importantly extend a gift of kindness or a random act of love to a complete stranger. Send your enemy, ex-lovers, those who you are in conflict with love for this is where true harmony begins, justice prevails and peace occurs. My world is filled with love. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

