5. My body mirrors my state of mind, I am healthy whole and complete.


Ha ha universe you are funny, as I sit here with a belly full of sugar! Having eaten the delectable panettone pretty much for the month of December (to my exercise trainers if you are reading this simply ignore the last lineJ) I’ve justified it with “it is part of tradition” “It’s Christmas” as I shovelled piece after piece down my throat. With over a month of not entirely caring about what it is that I am consuming, I feel blah. It is not about weight but rather how certain foods impact the body. I am truly grateful that my exercise sessions commence again this evening as I have missed regular exercise. It is amazing what a difference it makes to your life.

The other day in true serendipitous style I was reading about a 30 day cleanse on social media. That same afternoon I was contacted from an acquaintance that I had met many months ago to ask me how I was going. It was in fact her post that I was reading about the 30 day cleanse. Coincidence much, I don’t think so. There was a quote I read the other day that read “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear”. For me it feels like very much where I need to be right now. After having purged a whole heap of emotions, experiences and stuff through a workshop I was doing in December this feels very right for me.

So when I reflect on the affirmation for today I feel rather blah and unenergetic. I haven’t exercised for almost a month and eaten way too many foods that aren’t great for me. I know that this is totally a sign to go with it! I certainly don’t want my mind to feel blah and unenergetic! No thankyou!! On a positive note I thank my body for keeping me alive and allowing me to do all that I desire. Too often we berate our bodies when they do so very much for us. So thank you beautiful body for giving me the freedom to live the life I choose and in return I look after you in the best possible way that I know how. My body mirrors my state of mind. I am healthy, whole and complete. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



4. I am in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing.


I was speaking to a friend just the other day about that where you are in your life is exactly where you are meant to be. Sometimes the universe knows what is best for us and forces us to make changes. Sometimes these changes can be ones that are welcomes and sometimes there are unpleasant curveballs that throw us into a tailspin and life is never quite the same. None the less good bad or indifferent we are at the right place at the right time doing the right thing. I know for me personally that each time that there has been pain or suffering in my life it is because there is a greater plan working for me, no matter how crap it may have felt at the time.

What I do think about when I write this affirmation for today are all the people that are living in third world and war torn countries. Are they in the right place at the right time doing the right thing?  It makes my heart heavy and sad that simply because of where one is born that there is so much suffering that is attached to it. For all the asylum seekers that are seeking refuge, are they at the right place at the right time?  I may not have all the answers, but what I do know is the fact they do not have a choice allows me to feel more passionate about justice and peace in our world. So many times I hear people say to me “you can’t change the world” blah blah is all I hear now. What I do know is that “when you change the way you look at things the things you look at change” a quote which is one of my favourites from Dr Wayne Dwyer.

So right now I totally feel that everything is the way that it is meant to be. The more that we are able to create change the more the world will shift and create movement towards justice and peace. Everything is possible. It may not happen in this lifetime but there is certainly hope for our children to live in a world where suffering does not exist. In the meantime if there is an aspect of your life that is able to bring peace, kindness or compassion to another then do just that. The ripple effect is amazing and there are so many acts of service that you can do no matter how big or small. I am in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



3. I act with honour and integrity in all that I do.


When I read the affirmation for today, my first thought was “of course I do!” It was almost a defensive response on my behalf so I sat with it for a while. What was conclusive is that whilst this is an area of my life that I feel works really well for me, there have certainly been times when this hasn’t always been the case. What I am referring to is that I haven’t acted with honour and integrity with myself and have placed myself in situations where perhaps I haven’t spoken up, where I haven’t admitted my true feelings or allowed behaviour in my life that did not reflect my values. Hindsight is awesome but no point in living in the past, it serves you no purpose.

We tend to associate integrity and honour as being “good” and “kind” to one another. This is very much the case but what I feel is most important is honour and integrity to self. As much as I would have like to have believed that for the last 20 or so years I have lived with honour and integrity in ALL that I do I can’t say that I have. Being in two long term relationships and not being true to self was not acting in honour and integrity. There were so many instances where I knew that I wasn’t being true to myself. I can see that now. As much as I knew that something didn’t feel right I stayed in situations that were not in alignment with my higher self, therefore not acting with integrity and honour.

Only recently I was confronted with situations with friendship and family circles. I chose not to say what I really felt. I was told “stuff” that I chose to ignore and partook in conversations that were not in integrity. Part of me didn’t want the drama but there was another part that simply didn’t act with honour and integrity. It is not about judgement but to feel with compassion that this is now an area of my life that I choose to act upon. It is a part of my life that I am now aware of and choose to live differently. It is not about making anybody or anything right or wrong rather knowing that when I act with honour and integrity in all that I do then my life can simply only mirror the same. I act with honour and integrity in all that I do. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



2. Life brings me only good and positive experiences


This year I am writing from I CAN DO IT 2015 calendar (365 Daily Affirmations) from Louise Hayes. I received it as a farewell gift from an old workplace. Coincidence or not it was through a series of serendipitous events that led me to my first blog that pretty much changed my life forever. Thank you to the beautiful angels that I worked with and hold such a special place in my heart. Their encouragement and love got me through some dark days and I cherish them ever so dearly. So here I go with a fire in my belly to create change with compassion.

I thought I would include the short note from Louise Hay that reads “This year will be different from any other we have lived. Our knowledge and understanding will grow and deepen in new ways. Our capacity for compassion will expand. Our ability to give and receive love will make daily living like heaven on earth. Every New Year brings us the opportunity for a fresh start. In 2015, peace is within our reach as new adventure beckon. Life love us, and will bring us wonders all year long” it follows with a few words about January “This month, I tenderly place my foot on a new pathway. I open my heart, knowing that love guides every decision. All is well”

What I am also mindful of as I write my blog for 2015 is that there are people who are struggling with the emotions of Christmas and New Year. It may not be a time of celebration instead one that stirs emotions of grief and sadness. There is no right or wrong with what we feel it simply is. Our one life is so precious and what we decide to spend our energy and time on is ever so important. It is about creating another way of being to what we knew. For what we knew may not be working for us and is not in alignment with our higher self and universal love. Perhaps we can’t wave a magic wand and be happy but what we can do is focus our energies on others that may not be as fortunate and know that we are truly abundant and blessed. What I also like to remind myself about when I get into my head is to ask myself “if this was my last day on earth would I be OK feeling and doing what is happening right now” If the answer is no, simply change it. As Louise Hay reminds us in her words about January ““This month, I tenderly place my foot on a new pathway” Rewrite your own start to 2015. Life brings me only good and positive experiences. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



1.Today begins a positive chapter in my life- the start of an exciting new adventure.


Today is the 1st day of 2015 and I start a new blog with fresh goals and intentions. For me it is about truly living in my heart space, coming from a place of compassion and being of service. It sounds so simple yet one of the most profound lessons that I am learning that makes life truly special. This year is the first time in a long while that I have woken up with no hangover on New Year’s Day (Go Me!). Quite a contrast to previous years and possibly the best I have ever felt. There is no judgement rather an acknowledgment of where my life is now and the life I am choosing to create.

I have spent the last couple of days in serene country Victoria. It has been magical as my cousin and I have truly loved being in the moment, amongst Mother Nature and her bliss. I have spent some of my time writing in a “workbook” that I have purchased for myself about goals and dreams for 2015. For me this year is about being adventurous, fun, liberating and filled with compassion. There is a quote that I spotted today on the fridge where I am staying it reads “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure, it is our light not our darkness that most frightens us” It was written by Marianne Williamson and read by Nelson Mandela. A quote I have seen many times before which means so much especially on such a significant day of the year.

An intention that I have set for myself is to “buy nothing new” for 365 days! This one is a biggie for me as I do love a bit of retail therapy but I am stepping out of my comfort zone and going with it. Furthermore it is not only about not consuming “things” that I do not require but being more aware of the environment. So for now it is about embracing all that each day brings, filled with love and compassion. Today begins a positive chapter in my life- the start of an exciting new adventure. Blessed be. So it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



193. Know That Love is the Key

God and angels,

I ask for your assistance in opening my heart. Please help me be aware of my soul, mind and body. Guide me to leave behind any old pain, anger, or hurt and enter the New Year with a clean and open heart. Assist me in loving fearlessly, with grace and acceptance. Help me love like an angel.

Thank You.

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Today is the last day of 2014. I thought it fitting to choose the last affirmation from the book Daily Guidance from your Angels by Doreen Virtue. Earlier this year in April I set myself a challenge to heal open and soothe my heart space. About a month ago I came to the realisation that if my intention was to take 365 days to open , heal and soothe my heart space then it would not be till April next year till this happened. It was one of those moments when I had to giggle at myself and simply just feel that the time was now.

As I close off the year spending some time away in a beautiful bush setting, I feel so much gratitude for the year and the lessons that have prevailed. For me this year resonates with freedom because of the magnificence of layers that have been unveiled and simply because of the love I have in my heart for myself and others. I am not perfect nor do I claim to be but what I do know is that I have found peace in my heart that I have not known before. Love that resonates not because of a man or a relationship that I am in but because of the love and compassion I have for myself. Although I am happy to put it out there that I am ready for the perfect relationship with a man. J

The work that I do in Cambodia continues to teach me gratitude in ways that I have not experienced before. Having travelled to Cambodia twice this year it is now a part of my life where being of service to others simply is what I do and who I am. Our responsibility to each other is what is real. This is my passion in life and what makes my heart sing.

As I sit and write my final blog for 2014 I feel in my heart what have been the most important lessons. To have no judgement of others as we are all the same. To learn to let go of situations, resentment and bitterness, for it is with full responsibility and knowing that in some way I have created and attracted whatever it may be in my life. To know that we are all equal and that we are one tribe in our universe. To love with no fear for when I truly love myself then love is unconditional.  To be of service, as it is our responsibility for living on planet earth. To have compassion towards myself and others, for without compassion in our hearts we cannot truly love and without love there in no other. That life is truly magical and filled with miracles each and every day. I am one with the universe. I am love. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.




192. Make it a Good One

I fully focus on one step at a time along the path of my dreams. I release any cares, concerns or worries to God and the angels. I enjoy putting my desires into action, and I am good at what I do.

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What a great affirmation to write about on the 2nd last day of the year and especially because it has been something that I have been creating in the last couple of days.  Goals, dreams and desires were not an area of my life that I had always focused on. I thought I was happy just plodding along and whatever happened, simply happened. It wasn’t until I travelled to Cambodia last year in June that goals and desires became a part of my life and aspects that I thrive to achieve. It allowed me to explore and truly believe that anything and everything is possible. Fast forward almost 18 months later and I truly know that my dreams and desires do come true.

I have been writing my ideas and dreams on a “bucket list” for a little while now. A few days ago I took them all down and decided to rewrite them. I rewrote them because they were just statements on a piece of paper that I had put out into the universe that I felt were fragmented and disjointed. I have been learning and absorbing a lot in the last few weeks whilst doing a course about “life”. What I realised and have come to understand is that when I am setting myself a goal, dream or desire is to set it as an intention that it is already happening. So on reflection I rewrote all of my goals as “I am _______” This allows me to feel as if they are already happening and the most important is to know that I can achieve and do anything that I truly desire.

For whatever reason in life we allow ourselves to believe that our dreams are just that. We have a perception that it only happens to other people or that we “missed the boat” or just blah, blah, blah. You know what if this is what we believe then it will be only what will happen. Somewhere along the way of life we allowed ourselves to have a belief that we possibly could not live the life we imagined because of whatever circumstance. Each person has their own unique journey and I am not here to preach or tell you know that you can do whatever you wish for, that decision is for you to make on your own. Rather what I do know is that magic does happen and I can achieve what my heart truly desires. For when you are in alignment with your higher self and in integrity of who you are then life simply flows and everything is possible. All my dreams and desires and in fruition now and I am a magical creator. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.



With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.




191. Honour Your Compassionate Heart

I have a naturally compassionate heart. My prayers for other people are powerful and healing. I am doing the best I can, and I can give myself a break. I practise non judgement toward myself and others.


This year would have to be one of the most interesting lessons that I am learning about the relationships that I have in my life. First things first it is about me taking responsibility in what has been created and doing so with compassion and love. compassion noun – a strong feeling of understanding, pity or sympathy for the sufferings of another[1]. For the first time I am truly understanding what it feels to have a compassionate heart. To not blame but rather to take responsibility and to know that we are divinely connected and are one. I haven’t always understood this and for the first time in my life I know and understand that this is what it feels like to have an open heart.

This is not to say that I don’t ever get tested or that my patience is at perfection. Rather the contrary, I have feelings, I have reactions and I am human. What is important is that I don’t judge myself or others. Part of the experience in learning and unveiling more layers. What I am able to recognise and practise more is compassion, compassion for myself and others in all areas of life. As the year begins to draw to a close it is often a time of reflection on what has and hasn’t been. It is often really easy to hold the great memories in our hearts and minds but for whatever reason we shun away the disappointments and heartbreaks and talk about them with angst and resentment. It is often these lessons that teach us the most and teach us who we really are.

Practicing compassion would have to be for me one of the most liberating lessons of all. Quan Yin is the Goddess of Compassion. I have always resonated with her energy and now I can really feel what it means to love with compassion and especially to those who may cause harm and distress to others. For me it was about learning to let go of situations that I had felt “hard done by” when it was in fact it was an area of my life where I needed to look inward in order to learn the lessons and move on.  For if I have attracted energy that is not aligned with my higher self then there is a part of me where it dwells within or that I accepted into my life somewhere along the way. Most importantly it is essential to have compassion towards myself, for this is often the most difficult lesson to learn. For when you find compassion in your heart and to truly feel it is freedom. All I do, I do with a compassionate heart. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.




[1] Heinemann Australian Dictionary THIRD EDITION

190. Enjoy Being Highly Focused

As I easily focus on whatever I choose, I learn rapidly and thoroughly. My mind is nimble and powerful. I am brilliant because I am one with God’s magnificent mind.


Oh funny ol universe!! I randomly selected an affirmation from my book Daily Guidance from your Angels by Doreen Virtue a few days I chose this affirmation and didn’t feel like writing it. Possibly because I wasn’t focussed on what I was doing and as a result remained scattered for the rest of the day. Today the same affirmation appeared to me when I asked the universe\angels what it was that I would be writing about today. Bingo there it was again! About a month ago I was annoyed about Christmas, not because it not a time of year that I enjoy, rather the amount of “stuff” that is consumed during this time and all the hoo haa that is attached to it. In some ways it still holds a heavy place in my heart about how much emphasis we place on one day. Instead what I have come to realise that if this is where I allow my energy to be focused then I will remain bitter and annoyed about Christmas and miss the many miracles that are happening all around me.

What this affirmation and realisation has shown me is that perhaps me on my lonesome can’t change the world but you know what I CAN make a difference. My actions cause a reaction and so forth. There was a profound comment that I heard the other day whilst I was doing a workshop. It went something like this “We don’t have to love each other but at the very least we should be able to be loyal and to trust one another” For me this summed up so much and allowed me to see life from a perspective that I had not come to see before. Christmas time brings about so many emotions for different people and can range from pure bliss and elation to desperation and despair.  We tend to put so much focus on one day of the year and to some degree that is cool. It is cool because for one day people are extra loving and kind and peace is shared. It is what happens after this day is where we are required to still be highly focused on love and peace.

I can choose to be annoyed about all that is consumed at Christmas time or I can become highly focussed on being love and peace with compassionate and in particular to those who may not be a part of my life for whatever reason. For if I continue to resent and repel against another human then this is only what I will attract. Not sure about you but I would much rather be peace and love than resentment and anger. For if this is what I focus not only at Christmas time but each and every day then my mind can only be nimble and powerful. So thank you for the lessons universe in which I continue to learn and grow only with love and peace. I am peace. I am love. I am compassionate. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



189. Let Go

I ask and the angels for help with everything. Instead of struggling or worrying, I talk to heaven about my fears. I am now willing to release my cares completely and receive peace in change.

Letting Go

Worry, what a waste of time! As humans we tend to spend quite a fair whack of time worrying. Worrying about our loved ones, worrying about our finances, worrying about the weather, worrying about whatever really and we do it so well. We can do it to the point that it makes us sick and stressed and creates an even further downward spiral. Worrying consumes our head space and we don’t have any attention to the present moment because we are spending the rest of the time about what the “what ifs” and the “what could be”.  This is a lesson I am learning all too well and what I have discovered is the more that I fix my attention to what I perceive as “worry” the more it seems to present in my life.

In the last week I have delved into my “stuff” through a course that I am doing. I love to learn and the most amazing learning is of self so I can fully be present to be and do what I came here to do on this earth. My life passion and purpose is to be of service to humanity and to live in love ALL the time. This is all good and well but unless I learn my lessons from the past and feel them with grace and ease then “stuff” will always come up. That is not to say that you do a “course” and wham, bam thank you mam, life is healed and you never have to revisit anything ever again. Rather the contrary. What this means to me is that it is about learning and continuously creating the life that I dream and imagine right now. Inevitably life will come with lumps and bumps but it is also about perspective. We can view them as lumps and bumps or simply the road less travelled in which we learn and grow and truly experience the awesome stuff about life.

I have suffered pain in my life and I have experienced happiness, neither is good or bad it just is. We can’t have light without the dark and this is the magic of life. So when the affirmation today presented me to write about worry this is what I am able to reflect on. That worry is the power we give to a situation. That if we are worrying about it then we are attracting more of it into our lives. So with love in your heart and peace in your thoughts make today and every day the best day of your life. It doesn’t have to be about what you have acquired rather about the amount of love and gratitude you have with each day, each breath you take and making each moment matter. I surrender and let go of what no longer serves me. In return my life is filled with love and infinite possibilities. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

