
So 2016 is already upon and it has moved in swiftly with a greater force than I anticipated. Day 14 of the New Year and I haven’t had a chance to sit, be and write. Today as I turned to my affirmation calendar for 2016 – 365 Days of Word to Inspire I came across this statement- SHOUT OUT TO EVERYBODY! So here I am. This year I have decided to just be in the moment of what is. To not have to think about what it is that I am going to write but to be totally guided by what I am feeling. On one side of my desk there is a calendar of words to inspire and on the other side there is a daily quote from the ever so admirable and honourable Dr Wayne W Dyer, a true hero. But for today it is a shout out to say that my blog still continues. It is about being real, authentic and being in the moment. It will always be about living with a compassionate heart, being of service and coming from a place of love even when I don’t feel like it.

I am going into my 3rd year of blogging and I would have to say that writing keeps me sane! It is my one true outlet that allows me to be free of whatever is trapped inside of my being. It gives me so much joy! It is an expression of what I sometimes can’t articulate and allows me to be in my truth with love and compassions. It allows me to unravel the intricacies of life and most importantly it makes me accountable for my own drama.

So whilst this blog is a “shout out to everybody” it is also a reminder about self-care. What do you do for self-care? What is your creative outlet? What do you do to unleash and unburden the gazillion thoughts that continuously stream through your mind? How do you let go of the pestering natter that goes on and on. I know for me it is so important and allows me to fill myself back up so I can give to others. Whilst my purpose is about making a difference and being of service, if I can’t love myself how can I do so for others?

For me this year is about play and fun! Life can be so serious sometimes and we can get so caught up in the mundane! F(*k that! There is so much living to do. So much exploring to be had, so many places to go! So as much as I have set my goals and aspirations for the year it is also a solid reminder to have fun, be cheeky,  and reign in on some fairy fun! I know that in the last couple of days I have been having lots of belly laughs amongst the craziness and it has truly been the best medicine. So remember to smile because the world always smiles back. Blessed be and so it is. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.






77. As I forgive myself, it becomes easier to forgive others.


Forgiveness is such an act of freedom. Too often we perceive forgiveness as a sign of weakness especially when somebody has caused us an injustice of some kind.  When I write about my blog for today there are a few things that come up for me. One of them is the men that have played such significant parts in my life.  What I have discovered is that just because you are “over” a situation it doesn’t mean that you don’t still have things that you may or may not need to learn from. I am not one to get into nitty gritty details about my life and talk about what others may or may not have done. It is not my style. What I do know is that some of the actions that have been displayed by men in my life have been shitty and not very nice. Yes I take personal responsibility for this because I allowed it to continue. F*&K I spent almost 20 years of crappy relationships but I did not know any better or different. Now I do and I can practise forgiveness.

So when I was confronted by a man recently with behaviour that was untoward, I wanted to tell him what a total tosser he was. I was really pissed at the universe because I just couldn’t understand why this was being presented to me. What did I have to learn? To top it all I also learnt that a friend lied about a situation. By this stage of the week I wanted to tell the world where to go. In the midst of it all, there were bit fat egos circling my days.  I was attempting to be at peace with where I was at but I am sure if you listened closely you would have heard profanities mutterings coming from my area.

So what this is teaching me is that there is so many times in my life where people have treated in ways that I have not liked or deserved. The violin strings could come out right about now but instead I can reflect and acknowledge the times that I have not treated myself with dignity and respect. The amount of times that I allowed situations to occur again and again and now it was being presented to me in full force.

What is different this time is I am not the same person I may have been all that time ago. This time I have self-worth and respect but what I am able to acknowledge is the pain and hurt that was caused. There is nothing cool about emotional abuse, betrayal and coming from ego to make it better for the other person.  When we sustain these kinds of relationships in our lives it is because our worthiness does not exist and the only way we know is to self-destruct.

The lessons of love are ones that are stemmed from forgiveness. Ultimately if we cannot forgive ourselves for our perception of where we have not lived our truth or have been authentic then we are in the mode of self-destruct. This energy and vibration put us in a place of ego and we do not feel and live the true essence of who we are. To the energy vampires that ultimately lead me to a place of trust, compassion and forgiveness, THANK YOU but for the sake of humanity take personal responsibility and deal with your crap! To my inner self I forgive you for not having enough respect and self-love to honour the scared path that I am walking at this time. I know that if I do not forgive then I can never really fully love.  As I forgive myself, it becomes easier to forgive others. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.




72. I am far more than other people’s opinions. My opinion of myself is the one that counts.



I love the age old saying “what others think about me is not of my business”. It sounds so simple, but yet we tend to get caught up in our egos. For such a long time I truly gave a f*&K about what others thought or said about me. Now I couldn’t care less. Not because I am arrogant or self-centred but simply because I recognise that their perception is a reflection of their world. At 41 years young I have the wisdom to know the difference. Trust me it hasn’t always been this easy or simple for me. There were times in my life where I just wanted to be loved and accepted and would worry and care about what others thought and said. Now I figure if somebody is taking the time to “talk about me” even if it is not in the most desirable of ways then I must be pretty significant for them to putting their energy into it. All about perception I reckon.

It is when we are down and out about ourselves that the options of other can either exacerbate or alleviate our feelings, good bad or indifferent. It is the relationship that we have about our self that is the most important. We are only able to feel the negative impact of another opinion if we in fact have that opinion about ourselves

I have accepted and now love my inner “crazy\weird”. There was a time that I was so embarrassed and ashamed about having a mental health issue that I would avoid it at all costs. Now I am loud and proud about it because I embrace and love my “crazy\weird”. I am happy to admit that at times there is “Little Miss Psycho” that resides within me. She is certainly much more tamed these days but Little Miss Psycho is a part of me that I have learnt to love and totally embrace. She is the part that has allowed me to dig deep and discover my creative flair that I love to express.

With this experience has also come a “shitload” of lessons. Sure it is about the stigma that is attached to mental illness, but it so much more and quite frankly I don’t really care about the “story” any more. What I love most is how the experience has enriched my life and fulfilled a part of me that I never knew existed. So we have a choice about others opinion. We can either get pulled into the drama of it all or not give a rats and focus on the amazing relationship with ourselves, because who we are is a reflection of what is around us.. I am far more than other people’s opinions. My opinion of myself is the one that counts. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

HUGE love



71. I open my heart to more love every day.

10678814_842985172415261_342011186849713926_nWhen I sit and reflect about what the affirmation means for me today the first thing that comes to mind are the relationships that I have had with men in the last twenty or so years. I could sit here and say that they have been a string of “bad luck”. Instead I choose to connect to them from a different perspective and know that they have in fact been my greatest teachers and taught me some pretty big lessons in life. I have had two main loves in my life and seeing as my “status” is single clearly they haven’t worked for me. Now it would be easy to go a “man bashing” rampage but that doesn’t really float my boat. Men are equally as beautiful as women and we attract what we need to learn from each relationship we encounter.

Yes I am an independent self-sufficient woman but that does not mean that I don’t desire a relationship with the perfect partner. I have been happily single for the last two and half years and yes there are times where I crave male company but there is nothing worse about being in a relationship and being lonely. I have had a few interesting encounters with men over the last few years and each have allowed me to grow and learn that little bit more. There is not necessarily good or bad instead it is what we take away from each experience that matters the most.

I know there are parts of me that still at times feel inadequate, not good enough blah blah blah but it is all a story that I am not really interested in talking about anymore. So when I reflect on opening my heart to more love yes it is about attracting the perfect partner but also about loving myself including the parts that don’t at times feel loveable.

At times we attract some not so nice relationships. This is simply because we ourselves are not such in great places. I know the insecurities that played out in my relationships were in fact the insecurities that I needed to identify within myself, to be acknowledged and finally healed. That doesn’t mean that one day I woke up, waved a magic wand and abracadabra it was all gone. Far out it has been a work in progress and still is.

I would love nothing more than to share my life with a beautiful life partner that has the same values and desires as I do. That being of service is one of importance, to live from a compassionate, kind, heart and to love unconditionally. I truly don’t believe I have known that love before. That is simply because I have never had the love for myself so how can I expect that from another. So when I open my heart to more love, yes it is about loving and accepting myself but to say yes to love and to know that we are all imperfectly perfect just the way we are. I love love!  I open my heart to more love every day. Blessed be and so it is. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.




63. As I float on the Ocean of Life, I expertly handle stormy seas and enjoy calm blissful weather. The Universe guides me through it all.

11811552_562163560581986_779703015299478302_nIf there was ever a time to completely have trust and faith the Universe is guiding me it would have to be at this precious moment. It is exciting and scary all at the same time but with an inner knowing to feel that this is where I am meant to be right now. For the last few months I have been on the “finding a job” bandwagon. In the last 15 or so years jobs have always happened for me rather quickly and I have stepped into positions easily and swiftly. That is until now and I am being super challenged with this lesson.

What the last couple of months has taught me has been invaluable. It has taken me a while to get to this point of gratitude and the clarity has been awesome. The gifts along the way have been plentiful as I am able to reflect on the lessons and how they have arrived to this point in time. I have had to take a giant leap of faith in trusting myself and to really know and feel that the Universe guides me through it all.

Life of late has certainly felt like the ocean both stormy and calm. At the moment I am only working part time which means I have released the work that was no longer serving me for a myriad of reasons. It wasn’t about anybody being right or wrong rather trusting what was in alignment with my values of compassion, love and freedom. Sure another “job” right now would suit me financially but at the same time I would not be walking my talk and being authentic to me. With the gift of beautiful friendships, connections and a whole lot of love I have come to understand and know that this leap of faith and trust in the universe is possibly my biggest so far. Most importantly I am learning to love me more and to trust and value myself like I have never done so before.

For me right now it is about being in my heart space and not living in my head. Living in my head only leads me to being in a depressive state and not being in the moment. It is about learning to love the gifts that have been presented and to know that I have attracted this exact perfect opportunity to unveil the next amazing chapter in my life.  Our world is simply a reflection of where we are at and I know that I have mirrored the chaos that has been presented. In saying so I have also mirrored the calm beautiful connections along the way that have allowed me to see through the fog. For these connections the stormy seas have all been worth it. It has been an awesome reminder that amongst it all the truth to our own unique path is simply through an open heart, love and compassion. As I float on the Ocean of Life, I expertly handle stormy seas and enjoy calm blissful weather. The Universe guides me through it all.  Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

With HUGE love



59. I now create a wonderful new relationship. Instead of isolating myself, I am choosing to open up and let the love in.


Right now this is not a topic that I actually feel like writing about! Seeing as I am all about being authentic and walking my truth I feel that right now is the perfect time for me to write. My washing machine door has been jammed since last night. It does that sometimes. No big deal but I have just got home from work and it still doesn’t want to open. I’ve changed the setting, I have unplugged it and moved it around and then I started swearing at it. I tried to rationalise my thoughts and tell myself it is only a machine but by this stage I am crying as well. My period is due in days and the effects of a full moon leave me emotionally raw and vulnerable.  In between my sanity is being kept as I am sending messages about a getaway which I feel my body so desperately desires.

Ok so I have composed myself and had a look at the affirmation for today and thought “far out universe” I have loved isolating myself into my own little world especially in the last month or so. I went to a “blue moon” celebration last night. I loved it and I especially love the connections you make with beautiful likeminded souls. I had a 10 minute reading and I was able to give massages to those that I felt. It was such a beautiful night.  The full moon is all about releasing and letting go and what was a theme for me last night was letting go of old wounds. I rolled my eyes when she mentioned the words and she reminded me to reflect within and to really let go of what no longer served me. So as I sit here with my washing machine and a door that won’t open, a heavy chest because I have yet another cold this year and on the brink of laughing and crying I  feel within and notice what is going on for me right now.

How do we know if we have completely let go of heartache? I did a massage for a girl last night and we spoke about a broken heart. My feel is that why do we have to call it a broken heart. Can’t it be a heart that bursts open instead of breaking? If our heart is breaking from a lost love does it mean that we are still giving them our power? I know that there are no such things as coincidences and there was no mistake. I had my reading first and then had a conversation with a woman that by the way had the same name as me. Was it a lesson that I actually had to learn myself? Yes I think so!!! So rather than say a little part of me died with that relationship my feel is that my heart opened up for more love to come into my life. Anyway there is proof in the pudding. After each relationship that has ended my life become even more so enriched, abundant and plentiful. So I am more than guessing that this was the exact nudge from the universe to stop hibernating and being a bear, shave my legs and open my heart to receiving unconditional love. It is not only about receiving but giving love to the most important relationship with you. There is only one thing that can happen and that is more love. Pretty good odd I reckon! I now create a wonderful new relationship. Instead of isolating myself, I am choosing to open up and let the love in. Blessed be and so it is. Namaste.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day

Huge love



41. I willingly release the need for struggle and suffering. I deserve to have a fulfilling life and I accept it now.


I am so grateful for the affirmation today and allowing me to hear exactly what I needed at the perfect time. I have had way too many thoughts and worries going on in my head lately and quite frankly I don’t like the amount of space that I am consuming on energy that has no value and stifles my creativity. I attended a funeral today. I actually took myself out of my heart space and focused on everything but the pain on my friend.  It may sound selfish and it some aspects it may be but for me right now I know what my limitations and delving into her pain will not serve me. It doesn’t mean that I am not sending her love nor that I am not sad or sorry for her but instead I am practising compassion with detachment and applying what I know how elsewhere.

I have felt like I have been struggling of late, life has felt sad but there have been many moments of blessings and gratitude and for these I am grateful. I appreciate the contrast and make sure that I am looking after myself. So today after the funeral today my energy was heavy and drained. Tonight I went to my aunt’s home for dinner and spent time with my crazy cousins and filled myself back up with love. It is all about the contrast and allowing receiving when I am vulnerable. My aunt’s home is so giving and I am very blessed

So when I reflect on the message for today it is a strong reminder to give up my worries and concerns about the future and to not feel anxious about what may or may not be. What I do know is that my focus on the next chapter is one that is filled with excitement and new opportunities rather than worrying about where to next. I have complete faith and trust that the universe will provide. Sure I have to put myself out there but the risk far outweighs being stagnant or not growing from my experiences. In the end they are all just “stories” and it depends on how we perceive them that is the difference. I can choose to look at this time of my life as uncertainty and worry or I could give up the struggle and say “hey universe I am so ready to receive with open arms for the next exciting miraculous adventure that you have ready for me”

The most prominent in the message for today are the words “I deserve”. This was a lesson that took me a while to know and understand but one of the greatest gifts I feel you can ever give yourself. I totes know now that I deserve to have a fulfilling life and I am so grateful to my writing and the words of Louise Hay that have reminded me of this lesson. We are always learning and imperfectly perfect. I willingly release the need for struggle and suffering. I deserve to have a fulfilling life and I accept it now. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow you day.

With love



41. My garden of affirmations is blossoming.


I had to laugh at the affirmation for today as it probably wasn’t a blossoming kind of affirmation day; in fact they were more like I feel like punching somebody in the face kind of day. Just for the record I didn’t punch anybody but there were a lot of eloquent words that may have been heard if you were in my vicinity. What I do know is that I woke up this morning and I felt like crap. My head was stuffy, my chest was heavy and my energy levels were low. I was grumpy and the rest of the day sort of seemed to steer itself in that direction. I was aware of my mood and quite possibly at some point should have looked at a garden of affirmations. Instead I took some time out called a friend and as far as I am concerned a problem shared is a problem halved.

So at the end of the day as I sit here as one of the final things that I do, I reflect on the day and really do realise that in the great scheme of things, today was like a teensy weensy drop in the great big ocean. I am grateful for these experiences because they truly do show me that this is not what I want my life to look like.  I can sit here and rant about my day but quite frankly I have done that already and now my own story bores me. It is a reminder for me to love every single day with compassion, to live my life with purpose and passion. To acknowledge that there are times when we are feeling vulnerable, emotional and would really just love a hug.

Yesterday marked the New Moon and I wrote myself some goals and wishes. Affirmations and goals is something that you will find around my home and work space and for me they are a reminder to be aware of my thoughts. I am sure that some of the conversations that were going on in my head today were not blossoming, nor did they add to my garden of affirmations. Well they affirming just not of the positive kind. So instead of saying that today was a crappy day, I consider it to be a day of lessons and learning more about compassion. What I am learning is that people primarily act in a way that is untoward because of their own pain and ego. That is not to say that it is cool but rather I can feel compassion with detachment, be responsible for my contribution and focus on what is real. What is real is love in action and living a life of bliss and more. To reflect on my goals and wishes that I wrote yesterday and exerting my energy in what is truly important. My garden of affirmations is blossoming. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

With love




37. I focus on being positive because the thoughts I think and the words I speak create my experiences.


I reckon I have a pretty good idea on how this affirmation works for me; after all I spent a whole year writing each day about finding a positive in each situation that was presented to me. For me this was one of the biggest achievements that I have been able to accomplish and what I could have potentially perceived as the worst year of my life ended up being one of the best.

I can manage to turn a situation around pretty quickly these days and can truly understand and appreciate that all happens exactly the way it is meant to. What I am really aware of is my self-talk. For example I saw a picture of myself last night and the first thing that I commented on was that it looked like I had a food baby. In that moment I didn’t stop and consider that a beautiful family picture had also been taken, instead it was about the food baby that I had perceived. Interestingly enough today I felt blah. My body felt heavy and I didn’t feel great about myself. Call it a coincidence, call it whatever you want, what I do know is that the proof is in the pudding. It is not about judging my thoughts, rather acknowledging how much our thoughts affect the way that we feel. (by the way I quite possibly did have a food baby because I ate the best dinner and lots of it!)

It doesn’t mean that we have to be in a constant state of happy when we are not, instead being mindful of what our thoughts and words are. When we are mindful and completely in the moment it allows us to be in gratitude for where we are in that particular moment. It is about love in action for each and every person and soul that exists, because there is a bit of us in each of us.

There may be a slight uproar stir as you digest that there is a little of us in each of us. I am not a murderer, nor do I solicit violent acts, so how could this possibly be? To the teenage in Melbourne that had planned to bomb and kill people, how do we support love and action in these circumstances? The 17 year old boy at some stage of his life has stumbled in the face of acceptance (one can assume). We can only imagine that when a young person is looking towards a group of violent acts that there is pain, anger that needs to be addressed. So in some point of your life there surely would have been pain or anger? Ok so you didn’t plan on bombing a group of people but the emotion existed. So all I am saying is that rather than think and speak about the possible destruction how about giving compassion with detachment a go. You don’t have to agree with what is happening and nor do you have to condone it but you can send compassion and love to the situation and pray for a far better outcome than the one we are currently in. I focus on being positive because the thoughts I think and the words I speak create my experiences. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.



With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.




35. I am patient, tolerant and diplomatic. My words and actions are healing.


Well the first thing that comes to mind when I read the affirmation for today is “You can take a girl out of Reservoir but you can’t take Rezza out of a girl” (whatever that may mean). What it does mean to me is there are times where I can be completely feral and my words and actions are far from healing. I can be the sweetest of flowers and on the flipside I can act like an angry bull. For most of the time I am smiling and I love the world but low and behold there are also the moments when I am full of drama and a little crazy. After all I am Italian :)  What I have learnt to recognise is that these parts are all of me, good, bad and ugly. These are the shadows that I have now learnt to embrace.

Too often we try to shy away from who we really are. We are afraid to be vulnerable, we have a fear of being exposed if we are seen to be acting too sad, happy, angry or whatever. It’s time to get real and just be who we were born to be. Obviously we all need to be responsible for our actions. I am not suggesting that we go on an angry rampage, or live out our secret demons of wanting to sometimes punch people in the face. Instead what I am saying is that we just show up! Show up in your full integrity and authenticity and just be you.

We can be so afraid of not being accepted into whatever so we put on different layers and masks to “fit in”. The true essence of who we are and what we were born to do diminishes and we detour from life. Trust me I was great at this for a lone time. Almost 20 years in fact  (yup sometimes  it takes me a while to learn lessons) I was in relationships where I believed if I just did this or  that I would be loved and accepted more. Guess what it didn’t work. It is not about blaming the other person in fact my past loves are my greatest teachers and I only have universal love and compassion for them. (possibly would have liked to punch their face at some point, but I didn’t. LOL).

My most valuable lessons are that I am awesome and beautiful by just being me. My greatest relationship is the one that I have with myself. So when I reflect on the affirmation for today it is about firstly being patient, tolerant and diplomatic with my true self.  For when I am in the perfect relationship with me, it transpires onto everything and everyone else that I am in contact with. I am far from perfect in fact I am imperfectly perfect! What I do know is that each day is a new beginning and life is right now. I am patient, tolerant and diplomatic. My words and actions are healing. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

