13. When you reach the END of your ROPE tie a KNOT in it and HANG ON – American Proverb.


The first thing that came to my mind when I read the proverb for today was a saying from the movie Marigold Hotel – “Everything will be alright in the end and if it’s not it’s not the end”. Human spirit and resilience is profound. Finding it is the freedom to recognise the drama and stories that we play out in our lives.  For the last few weeks I have been putting some serious efforts into writing “my story”. A story that has allowed me to find the freedom to be me, ALL of me and not just parts that I thought were OK for the rest of the world to see. The authenticity in allowing ourselves to feel and stand in our truth is one of justice and responsibility. We all have a story, mine isn’t special or rocket science but it is unique to me.

What I found most poignant in the proverb is that the end is only death. Every day and every minute is an opportunity to grow and truly live the life that we were meant to live. I am no acclaimed guru nor do I want to be I am just like you. You see our world is simply a reflection, so when shit is going down it is time to take a deeper look inside and check in to see if the life you are living is where you are meant to be.  It sounds so fricken simple yet we get caught up in the daily grind of shit and expect it to be different. I certainly haven’t got it all worked out and I quite possibly won’t till the day I leave this earth. But what I do know is that each time I learn I shed some more and become more of who I need to be. I can choose to be in my story or I can dig deep, find the lessons and move to the next step of alignment in my life.

I am so grateful for the lessons of resilience for they have given me the strength to understand who I am. Without them I would quite possibly be living a life without integrity and authenticity. Trust me I have known that life and to live in a world where you are trapped by your own limiting beliefs, tortured self-esteem and lack of love is one that is crippling. Every now and then a lesson will pop up, perhaps the planets have aligned or there is a new moon, to be perfectly honest it doesn’t even matter. Rather what I do know is the life that I live is one that I am able to find strength, hope, resilience and love for all that I do. When I am not it is time to check and go deeper to uncover the gifts that deserve to be received. So if there is a point where you have reached the end of the rope, hang on a little tighter, tie the knot and if you can’t tie it for yourself reach out and ask someone to do it for you. It will be the greatest gift for both of you. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day


