16. Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail – Ralph Waldo Emerson.


I was divinely prompted to make sure that I had a look at the statement for today. I know that there is no such thing as a coincidence and everything falls into place exactly as it is meant to. I took a drive to Wallan this morning which is a good half hour drive from my place. It is freeway driving so I listened to my cd of Dr Wayne Dyer. He spoke of Emerson and his teachings. I then attended a workshop where a friend of mine spoke about goal setting, ambition, action and achieving what it is that you are meant to in this lifetime. I have arrived home and had a look at the statement for today and there are 3 pretty clear signs that I have received. This is what I interpret as signs from the universe.

So for me right now I know that this is about stepping into a direction of going where there is no path and leaving a trail. Sometimes the trail that we know is familiar, warm and cosy but ultimately it also gets pretty boring. Other times what we know is destructive, sabotaging and soul destroying and somehow can be comfortable and we become complacent. Both are equally dangerous. When we become stuck in a place that is not in alignment with our authentic self we are not truly living, rather we are waiting to die.

I am in the process of writing “my story”. Sure there is a part of it that will make an interesting read. I am Italian and dramatic after all! But the other part of it and the real essence of why I want to share what I have learnt is ultimately to connect others to their own pain and growth. Pain can feel like a really scary and an unwelcoming space to be. Trust me the more we avoid it the more it hurts. When we succumb to our feelings and truly connect to our heart there is no other option than to connect and to truly live the lives we are meant to.

All of our paths and chapters are different and unique. There is no magical formula that we can concoct to reveal the answers that we need. Instead there is a connection to self and the space in which we truly thrive. As I listened to Dr Wayne Dyer he had asked the audience to point to themselves. I did it as well and placed my finger near my heart. He asked people to look around and to notice where every person was pointing. Nobody was pointing to their heads, everyone was pointing to their heart. Connecting to who we truly are and to be raw and real is the greatest service you can be for yourself and to others. Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. Blessed be and so it is. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.


