23.Radiate an energy of serenity and peace so that have an uplifting effect on those you come in contact with.


For me writing this blog is also about challenging myself to create different ways of thinking, feeling and seeing the world. Of course it would be super easy to sit and write about how I am radiating serenity on a good day when I am full of brightness and spark. This would be super simple and fun somewhat. I work in the area of mental health and in the past I have had my own mental health issues to a point of self-deprecation and destruction. It wasn’t fun. I am sure that there were many suggestions throughout this time where professionals would have indicated ways to “feel better” I was too depressed to care or listen.

That is just it.  When we are in such a debilitated state to care, is when the real works needs to happen. I am in no way suggesting that I am able to provide you with expert or medical advice. What I can simply say is what worked and didn’t work for me. What I am passionate about is changing the way we perceive mental health and that it is not just about the person who is supposedly “suffering” but as a community and collective that we all share the responsibility to be of service to humanity and to each other.

Too often I hear and see the “suffering” that occurs in silence. That people are wearing so many masks to present this way or that way. When deep down all they want to do is yell and scream, but still they carry on in their day, week, month and even years pretending that they are OK. Pretending to a point that they are even unaware of what is real and what is a mask. That by the time it has reached this point, radiating energy of serenity is the furthest thing from reality. The fight and struggle to endure what comes next is indicative of freedom and what you then wish to create. Sure you can go on living in a “zombie” state or whatever you want to call it. Wear as many or as little masks as you like but what is most pertinent is the authenticity of the creation.

I don’t sit here and write this from a perspective that I have it all worked out. Far from it, but what I do know is that I have been able to trust and know myself well enough to have a solid understanding of what works and doesn’t for me.  Courage and resilience are often key components and knowing that you deserve and worthy of all that you are and all that you are meant to be.  I would far prefer to sit with someone who is open and honest about their depressed state than fumble my way through a fake conversation of superficialness. #Justsaying# At the very least the depressed state is real! So be whoever you need to be at the time. Radiate an energy of serenity and peace so that you have an uplifting effect on those you come in contact with. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.







  • sky

    This is truly beautiful, Sonia!

    I found your piece when I googled, “radiate profound serenity.” It’s a mantra I am testing. I began, this very early in the morning, with, “my profound serenity.” But I am now trying the same mantra with “radiate” instead. I find it far more empowering.

    This is turning a new leaf, for me, in a very dramatic way. My huge insight, recently, is that there’s a huge element of panic in the way I think, feel and act. And I’m working with the insight that

    1. Panic, put down and coercion were the most common ways that my family communicated, and that, as much as I know way better than to communicate in this way, there remains a deep level on which I’m still doing it. It has remained a default setting for me.

    2. Panic is also the way most pp DO communicate, in general.

    3. Take it or leave it, but I’m beginning to think that ALL negative emotions (hate, insult, violence, grief, etc) are the result of coercive language. Insulting, abusive, hostile language. And that positive, loving language, always offers a freedom and a creativity that encourages ppl to come up with novel and unique ways of expressing themselves by centering on their hearts.

    4. So that, when we “behave,” because we have to, we do it in order to protect ourselves, and it usually isn’t very creative, it’s more mechanical. But that when we act out of freedom, doing what we love to do, we are, invariably heart centered.

    Like you, Sonia, I am not claiming to have it “together.” In fact, I don’t believe ANYONE does. I don’t care whether this person is Buddha or Christ or whatever guru ppl are following. But I am claiming that this is where I’m at @ the moment. And I’m simply sharing it.

    Thanks, again, Sonia!

    <3 <3 <3