Just like the bright sun, I am radiant being. Others feel safe and warm in my presence.

I have to have a laugh at the affirmation today because I was far from being a bright sun. It is not a joyful laugh but an almost psychotic shrill at the irony of what the affirmation means for me right now.  I almost contemplated not writing today but as my writing is about compassion I thought I would walk my talk and recognise that each experience is one that I can learn from. I had far from pleasant interactions today and if you asked those that spent the day with me I am not quite sure that that would have described me as a bright sun or feeling warm and safe in my presence. Jokes aside I actually love the way the universe presents me with what is important each and every time. For the situations that caused me grief today, thanks for reminding me that life is about embracing the good, bad and the ugly and today ugly reared its head. In fact I just told the telemarketer on the phone that I had a shitty day and if he was happy to bear the brunt of my crap then I would happily speak to him. He declined and hung up.

I am proud of my dark side and funnily (or not so funny) I dressed in all black today something that I do not normally do. It is all about perception I suppose. I am learning to embrace and love all parts of self and to honour that ALL of me with love and respect. Yes I am premenstrual, yes I am tired and yes the full moon is coming. Sure there are days when “stuff” doesn’t flow and the universe forces up to step up and review what is important. What is not important is drama and stories. I can either choose to get sucked up in the whirlwind of crap or see today for what it was, a shitty day that teaches me about compassion. It may take me a while to find compassion for this one but what I do know is that personal responsibility for the way that we act and treat others is primarily ours.

What today taught me is that life more than ever is about precious humanity. I do not want to spend my days or life in drama of my own or of other. (unless of course I am on the stage performing in a famous kind of cabaret show). Every person or situation is a mirror. The triggers that are presented allow us to see the viewpoint of where in our lives this may have been similar. I am sure that there was a time in my life where I did not take personal responsibility and create drama any way I could in fact I am sure of it. But I live and learn. I know today was a reminder from the universe to review my life purpose and focus. I can choose to get caught up in the actions of another or I can focus on the unconditional love and most beautiful hug that I received that made today so worthwhile.  Just like the bright sun, I am radiant being. Others feel safe and warm in my presence. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

