41. I willingly release the need for struggle and suffering. I deserve to have a fulfilling life and I accept it now.


I am so grateful for the affirmation today and allowing me to hear exactly what I needed at the perfect time. I have had way too many thoughts and worries going on in my head lately and quite frankly I don’t like the amount of space that I am consuming on energy that has no value and stifles my creativity. I attended a funeral today. I actually took myself out of my heart space and focused on everything but the pain on my friend.  It may sound selfish and it some aspects it may be but for me right now I know what my limitations and delving into her pain will not serve me. It doesn’t mean that I am not sending her love nor that I am not sad or sorry for her but instead I am practising compassion with detachment and applying what I know how elsewhere.

I have felt like I have been struggling of late, life has felt sad but there have been many moments of blessings and gratitude and for these I am grateful. I appreciate the contrast and make sure that I am looking after myself. So today after the funeral today my energy was heavy and drained. Tonight I went to my aunt’s home for dinner and spent time with my crazy cousins and filled myself back up with love. It is all about the contrast and allowing receiving when I am vulnerable. My aunt’s home is so giving and I am very blessed

So when I reflect on the message for today it is a strong reminder to give up my worries and concerns about the future and to not feel anxious about what may or may not be. What I do know is that my focus on the next chapter is one that is filled with excitement and new opportunities rather than worrying about where to next. I have complete faith and trust that the universe will provide. Sure I have to put myself out there but the risk far outweighs being stagnant or not growing from my experiences. In the end they are all just “stories” and it depends on how we perceive them that is the difference. I can choose to look at this time of my life as uncertainty and worry or I could give up the struggle and say “hey universe I am so ready to receive with open arms for the next exciting miraculous adventure that you have ready for me”

The most prominent in the message for today are the words “I deserve”. This was a lesson that took me a while to know and understand but one of the greatest gifts I feel you can ever give yourself. I totes know now that I deserve to have a fulfilling life and I am so grateful to my writing and the words of Louise Hay that have reminded me of this lesson. We are always learning and imperfectly perfect. I willingly release the need for struggle and suffering. I deserve to have a fulfilling life and I accept it now. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow you day.

With love



40. I think big and then I allow myself to accept even more.

10703783_10152835115117240_7979328416965632819_nI had to sit with the affirmation for a little today before I was actually able to articulate what it meant for me. Right now I am in a bit of a crossroads with where life is taking me. There is a bunch of excitement that is going on, but there is also a sense of judgement that goes on with ego. I have had a few rejections in the last week. Actually I have begun to see them as redirections, and the vibration of the word feels far less harsh. The redirections are leading me to places that I haven’t been before or considered. It is giving me the opportunity to be still and work out what is my next chapter of the journey. Very cliché I know but it is exactly what it is. I could sit here and talk about my “rejections” and feel sorry about myself but that would be a pretty boring story or I can redirect me energy and focus on where to from here. I trust that the universe has bigger and brighter doors to open

There is a poem that I deeply love. It was read by Nelson Mandela and written by Marianne Williamson. The first few lines read “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us” I was reminded of this poem today for whatever reason. It is one that I have read many times before but tonight it feels more pertinent. Ego likes to keep us small because we are afraid. We are afraid to love too much or too little. We allow our past to dictate where we are going because of where we have been. In the end they are only stories that only have power if we fuel them with our ego. I can choose to feel rejection and go into the drama of not being good enough or deserving but F*&K that shit! That story is boring and I have been living it for far too long! I am the only one that creates the life that I desire and deserve.

Broken hearts of abandonment and rejection could fill page after page. Yes they may have merit to where I have been and who I am today but I no longer allow it to be part of the big picture that I am creating right now. I know that the universe tests us time and time again until we get the lesson. So for me right now I am going to dream big and accept prosperity and opportunities because I know that this is all part of the big picture and the life that I am living. So thank you for the redirections that you so kindly offered, I now know that I am being pushed to serve more, shine my light and to be the best version of me. I think big and I allow myself to accept even more. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

With love



39. I accept opportunities when they come my way. I feel confident about my future.


I love the timing of the affirmation presented to me today. I am in the middle of transition with my job at the moment with a contract about to finish. I am putting my feelers up to see what it out there and have dabbled in a few applications. Today I received my first official, “thanks but no thanks” email. For the first time ever I was really cool with it. Rather than go into the mode of “Oh no I just got a rejection email” my first thought was oh well clearly that wasn’t meant to be for me right now and the universe has a different door that I am meant to walk through.

So as one door closes I am confident that brand new ones will open and I am really excited. My dad is an extremely funny and no nonsense kind of man. He is a straight shooter and has an opinion about everything. His way is ALWAYS the right way. So the other day when I mentioned to him that I was looking for work as a contract was ending he took an opportunity to tell me that I am always changing jobs, that I never stay in one place and after that I just heard blah blah. Rather than retaliate I had a laugh and said “dad you are absolutely right!” I love change and it means that life is never boring. He still carried on and continued with his story (as he does) and it was a great reminder that life is about perception. I especially love the quote by Dr Wayne Dyer “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change” My dad is one of my greatest teachers. He teaches me to be relentless in what I want to achieve and reminds me about patience, acceptance and compassion. There was a time when a conversation such at the one mentioned would have ended in an argument but I acknowledge that there is truth in what he is saying. The difference is I am not seeking his approval, not his nor of anybody else. I love myself enough to know that the only approval that is important is mine.

So for now as I transition to a new phase in my life I have complete trust and faith that doors will open. As I have already witnessed some doors may not open and that it totally cool as well. I approve and love myself for who I am and know that I am worthy of receiving the best possible opportunities that will fulfil my life purpose and passion. So for now it is about learning to surrender, to trust and know that everything will be exactly the way it is meant to. I feel that the path ahead is cleared of all obstacles for an exciting future that is filled with magic and miracles. I accept opportunities that come my way.  I feel confident about my future. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

Lots of love



33. I have the power to create all that I wish with my mind and my thoughts. I am truly someone special.


Changing perception is something that I have been aware of and practising for quite some time now. It is also something that I write about on a regular basis. Still there are times where I struggle to find the perfect thoughts and I can fall into a slump. What is important is that I recognise this and know that what goes on inside my mind is what happens in my outer world. So if I have shitty and unpleasant thoughts then life attracts the same.

The last few months have been really challenging and somewhat tough. My aunt passed away and soon after my cousin committed suicide. Many years ago I myself lived with depression and know the feeling of wanting life to end all too well. Her death has left us with a heavy heart and immense sadness. About a week ago I had a healing and some of the fog dispersed and the sun is seeping through.  I can’t change what happened, nor can I go back in my mind about what could have or should have been. Rather what I do know now is that I have the power to channel the adversity of her death into something that is positive and a tribute to her legacy.

We are all special and unique. There is no one better than another and we all have the potential to light our own unique flame. The injustice that saddens me is the masses of people that live in places of the world where impoverishment is debilitating. So I am filled with gratitude with all that I have and this certainly gives me the power to create all I wish. In the meantime I can contribute to peace and justice in ways that I know how.

So when life presents with what we may perceives as challenges, heartbreak and grief they can also be filtered into creative potential and being of service to others through what we have learnt. The last few months has seen my life with more than a few endings. I can choose to see them as negative or I can experience them as growth and resilience. That doesn’t mean that I do not feel or that grief and sadness is not warranted, but what I do know is that it can be directed into other outlets rather than bitterness, resentment and anger. Today as I sit to write my blog my body is weary and a cold is approaching. For me it is about taking time to heal, nurture and refocus my life into all that I wish to create. I truly believe that the universe forces you to stop at times and just be. To just feel life for ALL that it is no matter what comes up. Yes there has been heartbreak and endings but it has also shown me love on a deeper level that I did not know before these experiences. I have the power to create all that I wish with my mind and my thoughts. I am truly special. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



29. With the universe as my partner, I go from success to success. I share this harvest of good with others and we are all blessed.


Far out I have struggled to be positive during this time of grief and perfectly so. My patience is limited and I find myself not being able to comprehend everyday nuances from people. My compassion for others right now seems to diminish at any given moment. There are times when my answer to what somebody has said is “are you f*KN serious u f**kstick!” but I understand that it is my stuff. I don’t respond as his is no longer how I choose to deal with my life. That is not to say that what another person has said is not completely ridiculous. It is simply not my place to judge rather to come from a place of compassion and recognise that this is their journey. I have been able to feel that there is pain, anger, sadness and grief. Some days I want to stuff it down with wine, food and ciggies but I know that it will just be there the next day. So for now I live hour by hour day by day and honour what is going on for me.

I find that there are people and situations that at this time I cannot be around. I am learning so much through this process and for now this is a time of rest, growth, learning and really listening to what is going on for me.  What I have found is those that are happy to be by my side during this time and just be. This is the value of unconditional love and I am so grateful and blessed for the space that some are willing to hold for me.  There are some people that I have hardly heard from or others that choose not to connect at this time and that is perfectly OK as well. It is almost like an apocalypse of a clean out of what is meant to be. I am cool with that. I know that what was once was will never be and right now that feels refreshing.

I stood in my kitchen earlier and was feeling miserably blah. There was a John Farnham song on the radio “hold me in your arms”. I got goose bumps and felt emotional and gave myself a hug. I also heard the universe whisper softly “I got your back” and I know it has.  Nobody or nothing can make me feel better, what is most important is how I manage each and every day and keep perspective on what is important and on purpose for me. So I went for a run (as much as I didn’t want to), felt blessed that I saw an old work mate that gave me the best hug, did some backing and got in touch with what was real. It doesn’t mean that I will never have a shitty day. Instead it creates more determination and focus on being of service, creating change and knowing that the universe works with me when I am coming from source and not my ego. With the universe as my partner, I go from success to success. I share this harvest of good with others and we are all blessed. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



28. I am a Divine conduit for transforming the quality of people’s lives.


When I looked at the affirmation for today I wanted to flick it to tomorrow (and I did). The affirmation for tomorrow is about loving my job. I sat and pondered. I thought I could take the easy road, stay in my comfort zone or push myself to write today. It would be easy peasy lemon squeezy to write about loving my job because I simply do. As I sit here and think about the affirmation for today, I want to laugh sarcastically at myself and then I want to say to the universe, really??? I know that writing for me is one of the best creative outlets that I have and it grounds me to being real.

I was just speaking to my sisters a little earlier and we were speaking about my aunt and uncle that have just lost their dear daughter to suicide. It is almost coming up to three weeks now since she decided to leave our earthly realm and the sadness is overwhelming. There are times when I feel like I am gasping for air at the harsh reality that now lies before us. There are so many things that run through my head at any one given time and my emotions are all over the place. One day I want to change the world and the next I want to hide under the doona and pretend that it hasn’t happened. I am just rolling with it and honouring what it is that is going on for me.

So when I read the affirmation for today I thought about “stuff”. Sure I could have written about what I have done in the past. It would have been easy, but easy and comfort zone doesn’t get me anywhere. What I am aware of is the language that I am using. My aunt also passed away earlier this year and I caught myself saying today “what a shitty year it has already been”  In less than three months we have lost two family members but rather than saying it has been shitty I can choose to say that there has been death and sadness but so much more in between. Sure it has been tough but the focus of my intentions is what is important.

For my aunt, uncle and cousins I have no answers or saving grace for them. The pain that they now live with may be forever but I have to believe that there is a divine reason for all this happening. How do I be a divine conduit? The only answer I have is to be authentic and transparent. To always come from a place of love and compassion and to be still with them in moments when they cannot for themselves. Death has a way of allowing you to stop, breathe and really evaluate what matters most in your life. For me I know that this is an area of my life that I do appreciate and constantly review. Every day is a gift and it is how we choose to spend it that matters most in the end. Already there has been revelations in my life and what may have mattered before does no longer in the best possible way. To find gratitude for the abundance and goodness that I receive each and every day and beyond is the true blessing in life. I am divine conduit for transforming the quality of people’s lives. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



19. I release all things that no longer benefit me: objects, ideas, habits or relationships.


It is full on to sit here and know that the first month of 2015 has already passed us by and that the 5th day of February has already arrived. This year I decided not to write every day rather when I felt that it was right for me to do. What is far more important for is to live a life coming from my heart space and coming from a place of compassion. For me it was also about releasing an expectation about something that I felt that I had to do every day. The affirmation for today has come at the perfect time as the universe truly works and weaves its magic each and every time.

The message at the beginning of February from the I Can Do It 2015 Louise Hay Calendar states “I have discovered that I am becoming more confident in my daily choices. I know that Life supports me, and I step forward feeling safe and protected”  This particular statement coincides beautifully with the affirmation for the day because the more I release what no longer serves the more confident I become with the choices that I make. Life is pretty simply but as human beings we tend to complicate with a whole heap of stuff. We like to critique and over analyse what is going on in our lives, only to leave us drained, feeling stressed and overwhelmed. It serves no purpose if we are creating drama and angst.

The last few years I certainly feel like my life has changed in ways that I am eternally grateful. The most important aspect of discovery is being of service and stepping up and stepping into my authentic self. Being my authentic self and acknowledging all parts of me not just the parts that look and feel good. I have also realised that eating humble pie does not always taste great but far out it is liberating. Taking personal responsibility and understanding that all that has been created is simply a reflection of me allows me to be more confident in what I do. In doing so I am totally safe and protected in all that I do and I know and feel this each and every day. That doesn’t mean that I am a bag of roses and that I am happy clappy 24/7. I still get annoyed and I get crabby but what I don’t do is blame. Sure somebody or something may have triggered a response but if the feeling didn’t dwell in me there would be no reaction.

So when I am confronted with a situation that no longer serves, I am able to thank whatever it is for showing me what it is that I needed to learn. I heard a conversation the other day where an elderly mother was saying to her son that she wishes that there would be no more fighting in the worlds. His response was “it is not realistic”. I judged him and my first response was “you are a tool” if we never imagine what it would feel like then of course it will never be possible. I felt so much love for the elderly mother whose vision it was for to have a world of peace. Then I sunk back into my heart space and sent the son love and compassion in the hope that one day he too will feel that there would be a world with no fighting and filled with peace. I also had to acknowledge that there was a time in me where I had limiting beliefs. Oh how sweet are the lessons of life! Sure he may be limiting to what his beliefs are but if I am calling him a tool it is because I myself have been “a tool” at some point. It is bittersweet. I release all things that no longer benefit me: objects, ideas, habits or relationships. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.






With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



18. Everyone changes, and I allow change in everyone.


Oh my, how things change but how bloody boring life would be if it all stayed the same. Sometimes change is forced upon us and hits us like a brick wall and we really don’t know what to do with it. There are other times when change shakes our whole world inside out and upside down. Change can cause us to be incredibly anxious and fearful. If we didn’t change it would simply be groundhog day and not sure about you but quite frankly I much prefer spontaneity and excitement to dull and dreary. There is a simple saying that I love and allows me to take responsibility for what happens in my life and it states “For things to change. First I must change” Simple but ever so true.

One of the most gracious gifts that we can deliver to ourselves is personal responsibility. When things happen in life we often look for a scape goat or a reason as to why it has occurred. Life presents us with challenges on so many levels. At times it feels like are climbing a never ending mountain only for an avalanche to occur and we are right back to where we have started. It feels like crap and we have every right to be tired and weary. What can happen in these instances is that we can simply fall into a heap at the bottom (which is totally OK) or we can rest and find the courage and strength to start again. It doesn’t mean either way that we have failed rather it reminds us that there is so much strength in our vulnerability and allowing change to happen around is simply part of the process. Sometimes the avalanche has to occur in order for us to simply stop and allow change to occur. When we don’t listen the universe certainly forces us to, which then allows time to refocus and continue on the path we are meant to travel.

Sometimes change feel like a slap in the face and it takes a while to embrace what has actually occurred. Other times the change is so fricken awesome and it welcome so many opportunities. Allowing others to change is liberating, sometimes that may mean that the path once shared is no longer but I truly believe that it is part of a divine plan that leads us to extraordinary things. I can speak with experience about this for each time I have felt betrayed or rejected by something or someone it has only been because the universe had bigger and better plans for me. I no longer choose to get up in the drama or why, where and how it all occurred. It is irrelevant. Life is too precious for that. It doesn’t mean that I do not feel but when you only come from a place of love and compassion there is no other way. Everyone changes, and I allow change in everyone. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



14. Every moment presents a wonderful opportunity to become more of who I am.


The now is all we have, this second this moment. Everything that happened in the past is exactly that anything that is about to happen will. So being the moment and in the now is such a precious gift to give to yourself and to those around you. Being you and the most authentic version of you is even more important. So often we walk through life being versions of what other people want us to be. We are playing the role of other identities that do not serve and ultimately we suffer in our own existence.  We sometimes make allowances or find excuses of who we think we should be.  When we “should” in our lives it compares to “shitting” on ourselves and not sure bout you but that doesn’t feel pleasant.

Life teaches us so much and each experience and moment that we have teaches us more about who we are. No matter what the experience is good or bad it allows us to show up and be who we really are. How do we know who we really are? I know for me this is something that I continue to discover and only until the separation of my last relationship did that really begin to unravel for me. To be perfectly honest I had thought that I had it all worked it out. My life was fine or as once defined to me (F*D UP INSECURE NEUROTIC EMOTIONAL MESS). It not for me to judge this time in my life and go back and do my head in about but the difference is the way I lead my life now is that I am totally comfortable with who I am. That doesn’t mean I stop learning. Actually it is quite the contrary.

Death of a family member shakes your world and turns it upside down. For me there is still so much to process and that is totally OK. For me it is also about a family that once was now has somebody missing it and life is never quite the same. That doesn’t have to make it bad. Instead what it does for me is to absolutely be me and unapologetically so. That doesn’t mean that I don’t give a rats about anybody else rather it makes me wants to grab life by the reins and live the life that we are meant to live. This means to take risks, make mistakes and love unconditionally. To remove the masks that make us comfortable, to move beyond our comfort zones and to know that being the most authentic version of you is the greatest gift that you can give yourself and to the world in which you live. Every moment presents a wonderful opportunity to become more of who I am. Blessed be and so it is so it is done. Namaste


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.


