191. Honour Your Compassionate Heart

I have a naturally compassionate heart. My prayers for other people are powerful and healing. I am doing the best I can, and I can give myself a break. I practise non judgement toward myself and others.


This year would have to be one of the most interesting lessons that I am learning about the relationships that I have in my life. First things first it is about me taking responsibility in what has been created and doing so with compassion and love. compassion noun – a strong feeling of understanding, pity or sympathy for the sufferings of another[1]. For the first time I am truly understanding what it feels to have a compassionate heart. To not blame but rather to take responsibility and to know that we are divinely connected and are one. I haven’t always understood this and for the first time in my life I know and understand that this is what it feels like to have an open heart.

This is not to say that I don’t ever get tested or that my patience is at perfection. Rather the contrary, I have feelings, I have reactions and I am human. What is important is that I don’t judge myself or others. Part of the experience in learning and unveiling more layers. What I am able to recognise and practise more is compassion, compassion for myself and others in all areas of life. As the year begins to draw to a close it is often a time of reflection on what has and hasn’t been. It is often really easy to hold the great memories in our hearts and minds but for whatever reason we shun away the disappointments and heartbreaks and talk about them with angst and resentment. It is often these lessons that teach us the most and teach us who we really are.

Practicing compassion would have to be for me one of the most liberating lessons of all. Quan Yin is the Goddess of Compassion. I have always resonated with her energy and now I can really feel what it means to love with compassion and especially to those who may cause harm and distress to others. For me it was about learning to let go of situations that I had felt “hard done by” when it was in fact it was an area of my life where I needed to look inward in order to learn the lessons and move on.  For if I have attracted energy that is not aligned with my higher self then there is a part of me where it dwells within or that I accepted into my life somewhere along the way. Most importantly it is essential to have compassion towards myself, for this is often the most difficult lesson to learn. For when you find compassion in your heart and to truly feel it is freedom. All I do, I do with a compassionate heart. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.




[1] Heinemann Australian Dictionary THIRD EDITION