61. Events come and go, but my love for myself is constant. I refuse criticism and judgement. Instead, I choose to understand that, in truth, all is well.

1501504_706588132786089_3171576431961616966_o Loving self is one of the most gracious gifts that we can give ourselves. We can love ourselves is various ways and for me is an area of my life that I am always learning more about. Each lesson that is presented in life ultimately is a reflection of where we are at and the universe loves to show us what it is that we have to learn. Even if it is presented in the most frustrating of ways is it all there to teach us, to take responsibility and to discover and learn more about our heart space and unconditional love. I listened to a clip by Matt Kahn the other day. Matt Kahn is an awesome spiritual teacher that I resonate with on a soul level. The clip randomly came up on Youtube and it was about addictions.  When we think about addictions sometimes the first thing that comes to mind are substances etc. What I feel this is more prevalent right now are the addictions that don’t seem so obvious. The addiction of work, the addiction of drama and chaos often gets left unnoticed or what we may consider as “normal” It is these addictions that can often debilitate our self-worth and inevitably lead us to places of not living self. So when I listened to Matt Kahn and his message of addiction I came across a specific line that was most pertinent for me. He asked “Is this the most loving thing that you can do for yourself right now?” I have reflected on this especially in the last week and I must say it has worked in the most magnificent of ways! This particular question can be used in so many aspects of life as they present on an everyday basis. I know that especially in the last few days where I have felt frustrated or annoyed in regards to a particular situation I have asked myself the very question “Is this most loving thing I can do for myself right now?” Almost immediately I can feel a calmness in my body and my response is very different to what it could possibly be. Sometimes the internal dialogue that I have is far from peaceful and calm. What would have to be most pertinent about love for self is also recognising my worth. I feel that this is a huge lesson for me and one that continues to present itself. There are so many gifts that we are able to find during the times in which we perceive as being difficult or troublesome. What I am learning to embrace is the darkness as a time of nurture, rest and rejuvenation. It is important to not live in that space but to unravel the gifts and to take inspired action to live an authentic life of love filled with purpose and passion. Events come and go but my love for myself is constant. I refuse all criticism and judgement. Instead, I choose to understand that in truth, all is well. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste. With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day. With HUGE love Sonia xoxox