23.Radiate an energy of serenity and peace so that have an uplifting effect on those you come in contact with.


For me writing this blog is also about challenging myself to create different ways of thinking, feeling and seeing the world. Of course it would be super easy to sit and write about how I am radiating serenity on a good day when I am full of brightness and spark. This would be super simple and fun somewhat. I work in the area of mental health and in the past I have had my own mental health issues to a point of self-deprecation and destruction. It wasn’t fun. I am sure that there were many suggestions throughout this time where professionals would have indicated ways to “feel better” I was too depressed to care or listen.

That is just it.  When we are in such a debilitated state to care, is when the real works needs to happen. I am in no way suggesting that I am able to provide you with expert or medical advice. What I can simply say is what worked and didn’t work for me. What I am passionate about is changing the way we perceive mental health and that it is not just about the person who is supposedly “suffering” but as a community and collective that we all share the responsibility to be of service to humanity and to each other.

Too often I hear and see the “suffering” that occurs in silence. That people are wearing so many masks to present this way or that way. When deep down all they want to do is yell and scream, but still they carry on in their day, week, month and even years pretending that they are OK. Pretending to a point that they are even unaware of what is real and what is a mask. That by the time it has reached this point, radiating energy of serenity is the furthest thing from reality. The fight and struggle to endure what comes next is indicative of freedom and what you then wish to create. Sure you can go on living in a “zombie” state or whatever you want to call it. Wear as many or as little masks as you like but what is most pertinent is the authenticity of the creation.

I don’t sit here and write this from a perspective that I have it all worked out. Far from it, but what I do know is that I have been able to trust and know myself well enough to have a solid understanding of what works and doesn’t for me.  Courage and resilience are often key components and knowing that you deserve and worthy of all that you are and all that you are meant to be.  I would far prefer to sit with someone who is open and honest about their depressed state than fumble my way through a fake conversation of superficialness. #Justsaying# At the very least the depressed state is real! So be whoever you need to be at the time. Radiate an energy of serenity and peace so that you have an uplifting effect on those you come in contact with. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.







22. Beautiful Unknown



Today is the last day before I fly out back to Melbourne after having spent almost three weeks in Cambodia. To describe what this time has meant to me in words would do it no justice, instead an immense avalanche of feelings and the great desire to be of service in greater capacities.  To be in alignment with compassion and integrity for we are only here for such a short precious time. One of my most profound lessons is that when you are on purpose and in service nothing else really matters.

There are mouths to be fed, clean water to be sourced and the basic human right to live hygienically. Unfortunately this is not the always the case and the injustice prevalent. I could sit here and write about all the injustices that are served but this could possibly quire dramatic and a little boring to be honest. I would much rather be working towards the difference that we can create no matter where we are in our world.

There are so many times in life where we feel we need to have control of this or that. Whether it is in our personal relationships, work or how we structure our day to day. To be perfectly honest I find this totally boring. Make no mistake I have known what it is like to feel like you are losing control of everything that was once was. It’s scary and surges anxiety throughout your entire being. What is scarier is staying the same. Surrendering is such a gift to self and one that I continue to learn.  I have learnt that what scares me the most is generally what leads me to where I am meant to be. Fear is not real; it is ego based and only holds us back from infinite potential.

When we hold ourselves back from the life that we are meant to be living the only injustice is to ourselves, our growth and our life. What if there were no second chances? What if we truly felt that all we had was right now, that the past has no power and it has no relevance. What if we cut out all the drama and crap from our lives and used that energy towards precious humanity. What if we put our arms together to feed the hungry children? Or to make sure that humans are not dying from drinking poisonous water.  Imagine not having a shower or toilet or knowing if there is a next meal. Imagine not having the funds to take your child to the doctor let alone purchase medical supplies. Imagine this for just one moment.

This is what I witness each time I come to Cambodia, so much of it and so prevalent. I can’t live in my head about this and deal with atrocities of what it all means yet I can make a difference no matter where I am in the world. For when we are in alignment and connect to what is real is where the magic truly happens. The unknown is truly beautiful. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day




21. If you want Peace, stop fighting, if you want peace of mind, stop fighting with your thought.



Funny old universe! I have a few hours off at the moment so I have taken some time to write at one of my favourite cafes in Siem Reap. It is called the Peace Café and a time for me to go inwards and spend some time with me. As I was leaving my room I had the affirmation for the day in my hand. In the next minute or so it disappeared! Don’t ask me where it could have possibly gone in 2.5 seconds but none the less I couldn’t find it. I resisted it for a few minutes and could feel myself becoming annoyed and frustrated with myself so I decided to stop fighting with my mind and have landed right here with an affirmation at my table. In fact the café is filled with peaceful quotes. Funny that!

One of the very reasons why I love Cambodia so much is that there is so much flow and serendipity. I am on purpose and even when I do get into my head it doesn’t take me long to get out of it. I mean all you had to do is smile at a Khmer person and the smile back ignites you straight back into your heart. So when I sat at my table, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at myself. I smiled, had a chuckle and knew that where I was, was exactly where I am meant to be right now. In this moment surrounded by trees and to my left there is a poster of a half-naked man advertising a local Cambodian Performance. Trees, fairies, muscly half naked men, food, peace, I mean what more could I ask for? I mean the password for the Wi-Fi was compassion. Really! When you get out your head and begin to truly feel life simply flows with such grace and ease. The magic of getting lost is where you are meant to be found.

When all we have is the moment the thoughts of the past are irrelevant. When we turn our focus to be of service, compassion and love the fight in our head simply stops. When we love ourselves enough to stop wasting time on this one precious life and to do what matters most in our own hearts is where the peace begins. I can’t help but feel my amazing, abundant, inspiring cherished little sister Nadia. When I feel into her, my heart expands with so much love. She is the epitome of peace and teaches me so much about being in the moment. She may have an intellectual disability and is differently abled than what you and I may be but she far exceeds my ability to feel, to be authentic, to love unconditionally, to be present and to simply show up and be real. For when we peel off the layers and deal with what comes up with integrity and compassion all we can simply be is peace and love. If you want Peace, stop fighting, if you want peace of mind, stop fighting with your thought. Blessed be and so it is. Namaste.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



Sonia xoxoxo

20. Within you is the kingdom of serenity, which can create all the prosperity that you could ever want.



I have been in Cambodia for the last 10 or so days, Cambodia is also affectionately known as the Kingdom of Wonder. It is a country that I have grown to love and admire for so many reasons and one in which I continue to explore each time I visit. On the eve of my 42nd birthday I have some “down” time to reflect on the wonder and serenity and all that it encapsulates. Part of my role in Cambodia is to co-facilitate groups of volunteers with Head Heart and Hand Holidays. http://www.headheartandhandholidays.com.au/. The 2nd group of volunteers arrived yesterday and for most of the days I am in action and logistics mode, so to fall into my heart and write feels like home.

I love what I do here for so many reasons and to put it into words perhaps wouldn’t do it any justice. The feeling associated with a country that allows me to truly envelop all that I am is beyond anything that I could have possibly ever imagined. There is so much growth and depth beyond the surface of what is.  This is now the 5th time that I have travelled to Cambodia in the last 3 years. For some time each time I visited Cambodia all I wanted to do was come straight back. The simplicity and gratitude that I received was all the prosperity that I could ever want. Peace, love and freedom are the true gifts that I have been able to unwrap no matter where I am in the world and for this Cambodia I am so enriched because of you.

Sometimes in life we seem to be searching outside of ourselves to make us feel happier or complete. Instead the gifts of what we truly acquire are nestled within us and finding them is where the magic truly happens. I no longer feel that I have to run to Cambodia to make me happy or complete. Nobody or anything can do that for you and believing that it will can only set you up to fail. It changed my perspective of life and how I choose to live it now. One of our volunteers today reminded me with her words. “We are only here for such a short time, I choose to say yes and then work out the details or whatever later” It was a gentle yet swift reminder as I close the last day before I turn 42. So the greatest gift I can give myself is a kingdom of serenity and one in which is filled with peace love and freedom and of course some cheeky fairy fun! It’s ironic that a country that is considered to 3rd world is so abundant with gifts that can only be felt, for this is the greatest gift that we can truly give ourselves. Be raw, be vulnerable and be you. Withinyou is the kingdom of serenity, which can create all the prosperity that you could ever want. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.




19. You are at once a beating heart and a single heartbeat in the body called humanity.



I am in Siem Reap Cambodia at the moment working with Head Heart and Hand Holidays. It was quite early when I was woken up my music. It wasn’t the soothing sound of the monks chanting, rather a combination of celebratory fast paced music that kept playing in my head. So instead of feeling frustrated about not being able to go back to sleep, I decided to make the most of my time and write my blog for the day. There is no surprise that it is perfectly aligned with my time in Cambodia and funnily enough the music has provided me with a rhythm to write. Just like my favourite quote by Dr Wayne Dyer “when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”

The affirmation presented today could not have come at a better time and I love the flow and magic that life offers when we truly allow ourselves to feel. This is now the 5th time that I have travelled to Cambodia and feels like home as I soon as I walk off the plane to the tarmac. The tuk tuk ride on the way to my accommodation is the best feeling ever! I love my time here and the way it makes me feel. There is simplicity and freedom that I have nestled into and I am so grateful for such an impoverished country that ironically has given me so much richness. A richness that cannot be bought rather allowing the lessons of life that can only be felt through learning and truly accomplishing the success of failure.

We are simply a reflection of the world we see. Sure there is poverty and mouths to be feed but there is also so much love, community, compassion, integrity gratitude and simplicity that I learn from the most. It is never easy to know that so many people are not able to eat or receive simple medical attention or that they may never receive an education simply because of where they are born. The injustice used to feel like it was suffocating me. Now there are lessons learnt, although I still feel the injustice I just choose to deal with it differently. It is not just about the work that I do in Cambodia rather it is about the compassion I am towards others and myself every other day. Working in Cambodia is the easy part. It is the way we act and treat precious humanity every other moment is what matters the most.

It is not about jumping on a plane to Cambodia (although Head Heart & Hand Holidays[i] was life changing for me) rather it is what our own personal and moral responsibility to the earth we live and to each other. It is about recognising oneness and knowing that we were all born to dance to the rhythm of our own beat in whatever way we choose. You are at once a beating heart and a single heartbeat in the body called humanity. Blessed be and do it is, so it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.






[i] http://www.headheartandhandholidays.com.au/

18. The Journey


The title of the affirmation today comes from a coffee shop that I am sitting in front of at the Gold Coast airport. I am waiting for a shuttle bus to pick me up so I can stay with my bff for a few days and I am so excited I may just wee myself! I usually take my affirmations with me when I go away but clearly I forgot. Instead of being regimented I decided to sit and write about whatever I was presented with and so here I am. There is something about packing a suitcase and heading to an airport that fills me with such excitement, so I suppose when I saw the words “The Journey” staring at me I took it as a sign to write some words.

Yes it is exciting getting on a plane and going to visit wonderful places or connecting with loved ones. What I truly love about travel are the experiences along the way that define and shape the journey for you as in life. I have had such beautiful connections on the way from Melbourne to Gold Coast in such a short time that it has whooshed me straight into my heart space. I make a conscious and deliberate action to be present and to be in the moment of what I am doing, unless I am reading or writing. Even as I wrote on the plane today the man seated next to me asked me what I was writing about and we spoke for a while. There was a lady who sat next to me for a short while and we somehow began speaking about Cambodia. In such a short amount of time I was speaking to complete strangers about two of my most passionate topics, suicide awareness and Cambodia.

So yes right now for me it is about getting on a plane and having a little adventure to Bryon Bay but it also allows me to reflect on so much more than that. It reminds me to be in the present moment and to be reminded about the magic and miracles that follow us each and every day.  We always seem to be waiting for this or that to make our lives just right but what if they were perfect just the way it was right now. What is it that we are actually waiting for? We only have right now and we have so much of our precious lives to live.

I am always learning for if I stopped I may as will be dead. I am not perfect far from it in fact but what I do know it that I am imperfectly perfect just the way I am. We have a moral responsibility as we live on earth and at the very minimum to be loyal and compassionate to one another. To be in service where we are sharing our unique gifts and lead an authentic life with integrity. It truly doesn’t matter where you have been but it does matter where you are going. For me right now I am looking forward to many moments of magic and miracles as they follow my days. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste

17. That we breathe, that we showed up on this planet, that we communicate is a miracle.


I have been speaking to a friend in the last few days about life and what it all means. You know the kinds of conversations that you tend to have with a loved one where you are going to save the world. When I looked at the statement for today I breathed a sigh of relief because it fell into sync beautifully with what has been a theme especially in the last few days.

We are such a busy, time driven robotic society that sometimes we simply forget to show up. By this I mean we can be physically present in a place or time but what we fail to do is to be present. We can have a gazillion other things going on in our minds at exactly the same time. What we seem to dismiss time and time again is the miracles that surround us each and every moment. Stop for a moment and look around. Are you in your home? Are you on a phone? Are you surrounded by loved ones? Are you clothed? Are you warm? Are you having dinner tonight? Are you breathing? Well I truly hope you are breathing otherwise I am chuffed that you decided to tune in from the afterlife. In just a few moments are you able to feel and nourish the blessings of gratitude that surround you at this perfect time.  Is it perfectly imperfect?

I was speaking to a client today about depression and anxiety that was going on for them. We fight so hard to dismiss these feelings. It is not until they get us to a point in which we can no longer function that we tend to do something about it. As humans we try so naturally do anything but feel. We are not afraid to feel happy or blissful yet we navigate so harshly to deflect what we perceive as painful or too difficult to deal with. What is we just sat in our stuff and worked out why we got to that place in the first instance. We may not work it out straight away but allowing is far better than shovelling under the pile that has already existed for so long.

So rather than being so harsh and depreciating on ourselves for not having done this or that, how about we just take a moment to honour ourselves just as we are. To show up and to be real and authentic in whatever it is that we are doing. Whether it is walking the dog, buying milk, taking out the garbage, running a country or whatever it may be, just be you. Rather than dissembling ourselves into fragments that we no longer recognise perhaps it is time to stop, breather, and show up and communicate, for this is the true miracle of life. Blessed be and so it is. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.




16. Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail – Ralph Waldo Emerson.


I was divinely prompted to make sure that I had a look at the statement for today. I know that there is no such thing as a coincidence and everything falls into place exactly as it is meant to. I took a drive to Wallan this morning which is a good half hour drive from my place. It is freeway driving so I listened to my cd of Dr Wayne Dyer. He spoke of Emerson and his teachings. I then attended a workshop where a friend of mine spoke about goal setting, ambition, action and achieving what it is that you are meant to in this lifetime. I have arrived home and had a look at the statement for today and there are 3 pretty clear signs that I have received. This is what I interpret as signs from the universe.

So for me right now I know that this is about stepping into a direction of going where there is no path and leaving a trail. Sometimes the trail that we know is familiar, warm and cosy but ultimately it also gets pretty boring. Other times what we know is destructive, sabotaging and soul destroying and somehow can be comfortable and we become complacent. Both are equally dangerous. When we become stuck in a place that is not in alignment with our authentic self we are not truly living, rather we are waiting to die.

I am in the process of writing “my story”. Sure there is a part of it that will make an interesting read. I am Italian and dramatic after all! But the other part of it and the real essence of why I want to share what I have learnt is ultimately to connect others to their own pain and growth. Pain can feel like a really scary and an unwelcoming space to be. Trust me the more we avoid it the more it hurts. When we succumb to our feelings and truly connect to our heart there is no other option than to connect and to truly live the lives we are meant to.

All of our paths and chapters are different and unique. There is no magical formula that we can concoct to reveal the answers that we need. Instead there is a connection to self and the space in which we truly thrive. As I listened to Dr Wayne Dyer he had asked the audience to point to themselves. I did it as well and placed my finger near my heart. He asked people to look around and to notice where every person was pointing. Nobody was pointing to their heads, everyone was pointing to their heart. Connecting to who we truly are and to be raw and real is the greatest service you can be for yourself and to others. Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. Blessed be and so it is. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.




15. Every day is an adventure.


Today I have spent most of the day in bed and nesting around my home. Not because I am sick or because I wanted to pull the doona over my head and wish the day away. Rather the contrary. I got home quite home late last night. I was at a fundraiser and had a night out with my sister and some friends. I danced like a rock star (well I thought so).  So this morning or rather mid-morning when I woke up everything felt sore and sorry. I had to laugh at myself because clearly my body hadn’t moved in that way for a particularly long time. My arms ached and I could barely move them above my head. I am pretty sure this was from the copious amount of times I was waving my arms in the air or fist pumping to Bon Jovi classic song “Living on a Prayer”.

When I read the affirmation for today I have reflected on my very lazy day. Was today an adventure? Did I make very moment count? Well it was an adventure for me as I spent the day resting my body. While I rest I am also able to fill myself back up to keep doing the work that I do.  I watched a movie that made me laugh and have indulged in way too many slices of raisin toast. Ok so I may not have had the most productive day but it was a day that I definitely needed to recoup and reenergise.

One of the main reasons that I love to write is that it gives me the opportunity to learn more about myself but also to inspire and allow myself to dig deep and uncover what I may not possibly be open to otherwise. One of the first aspects that come to my forefront when pondered the statement “every day is an adventure”, I particularly considered war torn countries and all who suffer at the expense of civil unrest. I thought about the lives that are taken from famine and living in 3rd world conditions while I wake up being sore from dancing the night before. First world problems! I know! It doesn’t mean that I have to discount my life and world rather it is about creating awareness about the differences.

Such a huge contrast and injustice in the way lives are led. It doesn’t mean that we have to feel guilty or remorseful for what we have in lives, rather the contrary. I know for me the practise of gratitude is one that is essential to wellness. What it has allowed me to further consider is take a stock take of where I am at and allow my priorities to be considered. This week has been particularly inspiring with connections and synchronicities that have added a rhythm to the dance of my flow. It further allows me to explore the difference we can all make in the world we live.  Every day is an adventure. Blessed be and so it. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.






When I read the statement for today my first reaction “F*N HOORAY” Hooray for what? I am particularly tired today. The last few weeks have been a curveball of emotions that have been thrown thick and fast. I have had no choice but to allow them roll and hit wherever they have fallen.  There have been a lot of endings and in particular the emotional downpour of two of my friends who have lost a parent. As spiritual as one may be we are also humans with raw emotions and feelings. As much as I am aware of this life being a place that we stop by to explore and that our souls are infinite, there is also sadness that needs to be acknowledged and truly felt.

I also happened to be at the hospital when my friend’s dad left this earth. It has left me with feelings that I haven’t been exposed to before and my head has been in a bit of a spin. I have felt like I have been floating a little and to be perfectly honest I must admit I like having my head in the clouds. So in perfect timing I had a weekend away planned and was in sync with needing to collaborate and ground to where I am at. I loved being away and embraced the dose of being close to a beach but being back I have fallen back down with a thump. My body is tired and I feel like I could sleep for a week.

So when I read the statement that read “Hooray” I was like really! As I sit back and reflect what I do know is that it is about honouring my feelings and emotions about the last few weeks. In the mix we also were required to reapply for our positions at work as our contract came to an end. I am back for another 12 months, so surrendering was paramount to not going stir crazy to a situation that I had absolutely no control over at that particular time. For me it is about acknowledging the fear of loss and knowing that in our lifetime it is something that we will succumb to in one way shape or form.

I know that for me each time I am presented with the lessons of loss and grief that I am in a different space with a different set of tools in my “box”. It doesn’t make me a master it simply makes me human and real. There are times where I feel totally out of control and fearful about what may or may not happen but I know that I do my best to embrace my shadows and learn what they can teach me. My grumpiness and loss of patience teaches me to stop and reflect on the importance on what I choose to spend my energy on. It may not always be the way that I would like to be and act but I can say “Hooray” for all of our feelings shadows and all. Blessed be and so it is. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.


