7. If you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got – Henry Ford

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This would have to be one of my favourite quotes and one that I tend to reflect on. It kept ringing through my head and I knew that it was time to write. I have been writing a blog for quite some time. It has generally been about writing with a compassionate heart even on the days when I don’t want to. I had a conversation with a special someone who somewhat challenged me about my blogs. To be perfectly honest when I first received the information I felt super defensive and wasn’t quite sure what to do with the information that I received. I suppose I sort of brushed it aside.


When the conversation took place again I was able to feel it with a different energy. I know that the information that was being given to me was coming from a loving space and energy. It wasn’t from a place of ego but only to allow me to reflect in a place that I haven’t been before and for this I can be totally grateful. What I have been able to reflect on and feel is that I generally use my writing to get me out a dark space and to shed light. Ultimately I can find compassion and grace in what is going on for me at the time. It has served its purpose and my writing has been able to heal. I know that no matter what my writing is a tool that I will always use. It allows me to express and find avenues that I may not otherwise. But if I am always looking to turn a negative into a positive am I also manifesting material to write for my blog? Am I on some subconscious level creating an avenue to look for “negative” things to write about?


So when I heard the conversation for a second time I knew that it was also a sign for me to listen and feel. To feel what it was like to open up and receive information that was coming from a place of integrity. To know that it was only being delivered from a genuine place of kindness and loyalty. It is not to say that I will never write form this space again as life happens and these are the gifts that we receive. However what I do know is that I am no longer interested in only writing blogs when I need to turn a negative experience around. I know that life does happen but how about I manifest more of the good stuff and truly feel that magic does happen. After all it takes a special someone to break down those walls. Thank you for allowing me to find a different way.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.









5. The weaving of connection is what allows our souls to soar– Sonia Muraca


A few weeks ago I received a message from a friend’s sister whom I have never met and lives on the other side of the world in Greece. She resonated with what I had written about and we shared and exchanged parts of our life that we may not have otherwise. There is no particular rhyme or reason as to why I write I just know that it is something that my soul yearns to do. I have had a really restless night sleep and am feeling a little disconnected to myself so I do what I know how and write. Writing always connects me back to my heart and gets me out of my monkey mind. The weaving of connection as humans it is one of the most important aspects of how we live our lives. Although I have never met my beautiful friend’s sister I feel very connected to her. We are able to share our moments of vulnerability and give each other the gift of strength and courage. Connections like these are rare and ones that I hold dear and near to my heart.

What is it about these connections that dig deep and are felt far and wide? Is it that our souls recognise each other and those we are here to teach and learn from? Or is it simply to love in a way that inspires and generates more love? I don’t do shallow and superficial well. I have been told many a time that my face and expressions indicate exactly where I am at. To be perfectly frank I am glad that this is the case because pretending doesn’t work well for me at all. I would much rather have connecting conversations with a complete stranger that leave you feeling full and inspired opposed to countless conversations about drama and toxicity.

Connection for me is what gives our life purpose. If we are not connecting to each other and most importantly ourselves then do we just exist? I am going to be 44 this year. Being in my 40’s has been the best part of my life so far. I have been able to connect to myself, nature and people in ways that I have not experienced before. It is the epitome of freedom and what my souls years for the most.  I don’t have the energy to do otherwise. When I am not in flow my energy and connection to self dissipates and I find myself in a lower vibration that does not align. I recognise that I am wearing my grumpy pants or those that love me tell me that I am. I tend not to look after myself as well as what I would like to and I can spend copious amounts of time binging on Netflix. It is not about judging any of these experiences; we can’t have one without the other. As long as we are able to recognise the differences of where we are at, then we can come to understand that we are here to experience and cherish the essence of what life is truly about. The weaving of connection is what allows our souls to soar. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.




4. Pleasure of love lasts but a moment. Pain of love lasts a lifetime – Bette Davis.

Quote About Pay No Attention To What People Say. Pay Very Close

I have been reflecting on pain and what that means especially in the last few days. I have been pondering this morning and felt an urge to write when I came across this quote. “Pleasure of love lasts but a moment. Pain of love lasts a lifetime”.  Perhaps I am still learning what love is. I know what it feels like to be loved by my family and closest friends but when it comes to relationships with men it is not something that I have always been able to reflect on with the fondest of memories. This isn’t a sob story on who did what because quite frankly that would bore the crap out of me. Instead it about acknowledging what was so I can move forward to what is.

We are so afraid of pain, being hurt, abandoned and don’t allow ourselves to be fully loved for who we are. We are frightened at the chance of our precious hearts being in anguish. I am not sure how much I resonate with the quote today, none the less it has allowed me to ponder what this means to me. This is my perspective and an area of my life that has had it great and not so great moments. Fortunately or unfortunately when it comes to love, men and relationships there has been more pain than not. Does this mean that I carry it for a lifetime or that it simply was and love is one the other side? For love is all there truly ever is. It isn’t about blaming rather acknowledging that I was also the creation of these stories. For me the most important relationship is the one that I have with myself. If I cannot love myself unconditionally then how can I expect this from someone else?

Unconditional love for self is something that I have learnt to give myself. I am happy being on my own. I have fought hard to be where I am today and it hasn’t been an easy or smooth ride. Would I change the pain? Not in a heartbeat. For when we hurt deeply we love even more. I was at a breakfast the other morning and the guest speaker spoke about her husband. The words reverberated through my body when she said, “I don’t need my husband, I want him” This was a turning point for me as I really felt what this meant. Have I been avoiding not being in pain opposed to rising and being in love?

I am certainly not professing to know the answers and all I can do is speak my truth. There is a saying that I particularly love. “We can’t write a new chapter unless we have turned the page” What if the new pages that we turned weren’t ones that were filled with trepidation and fear? What if the new story was one that we chose to live from a place of having an open heart and wanted to risk love more than pain? This isn’t just being in a romantic relationship but in all that we do. If we do not love from a loving place are we living at all? Blessed be and so it is so it is done.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.




3. Sometimes it is the most unlikely of encounters that bring us the deepest of connections. – Sonia Muraca


A few years ago I met a beautiful woman at my local chemist. We connected and started chatting about life. I had been buying some bits and pieces for Cambodia and she had wanted to know more about the work that I was doing. I happily told her and she had asked if we could connect on Facebook. I often find that when I speak about Cambodia it is when I make the deepest of connections. Perhaps it is because I am completely in my heart space and it is simply felt between the exchanges of souls connecting. When I was in Melbourne a few weeks ago she helped me choose some medicinal items for my sore throat. We chatted briefly about our lives and we hugged before we left. Unknowingly this would be the last time that I saw her.

I found out yesterday that she has left this realm on earth. She was a young woman who died suddenly and I feel quite saddened by her passing. As I am sitting here and reading about her life I am reflecting what it is that I am feeling. I feel incredibly grateful that I connected with her. I feel the unconditional love and loyalty between humanity that we shared. When souls recognise one another there is feeling that brings you comfort and peace. I know that each time I saw her, this is how I felt. What it leaves me to ponder is how well do we love?  How do we make each moment matter and what are we doing with our one precious life? I know that I make a conscious decision to do the best that I know how, but this has left me pondering somewhat.

Her life is not my story to tell and not what this blog is about. For me this is about honouring what I am feeling and allowing whatever is meant to come up will. I didn’t speak, nor did I see her every day but when we did, we connected on a soul level. We go through life just talking and doing but there can be little or no real union between each other. We can go through life being automated and barely notice what is real and what is not.

It brings me to the realisation that there is so much to do in our universe that matters the most. That we should take more risks, love more courageously and live more fiercely. That doing what we love is what is most important and how we loved others just as significant. That connection with humanity is what I love the most because it is this feeling that truly remains.  Sometimes it is the most unlikely of encounters that bring us the deepest of connections. To you beautiful woman thank you for your beautiful heart and what you have taught me, may your wings soar you high.  Blessed be and so it is.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.





2. If you could change the world, what would it be? – Sonia Muraca

Fab Quote power to change the world

It is funny or not how life manifests. We set an intention and we have no idea how it may or may not transpire. When our soul speaks to us we can only ignore it for so long. Our cousin chose to go home almost three years ago, still that feeling of anguish sits in my being, but it can’t always live there. As a family we turned our attention outwards and organised a fundraiser in her honour. It wasn’t so much about raising money but most importantly about awareness. The money that we did raise went into a community that our cousin was connected to. Our vision was that they would be able to connect to more people. I knew at that time that there was something more that had to be done about suicide.

Ultimately we can’t stop any being from doing what is their choice. Instead what I can do is recognise that a loss of connection to self, can lead to a very dark path. Dark doesn’t have to be good or bad. It is an opportunity to find visit the depths of our souls and discover our truth. Behind the pain there are lessons to be learnt and joy to be found, if this is what we allow. For so many the pain is too deep or hurts too much and that is not for me to judge or tell you otherwise. I have been great at burying and shoving stuff down but you know what it resurfaces and generally when we least expect it.

As the fundraiser progressed so did #connecttocreatechange#. I have had some ideas swirling around for months now and after having a chat with my mentor this week I know that there is a bigger picture. I work in the area of suicide prevention and awareness and my passion about people not taking their own lives is one that I feel I am meant to do. Almost every 3 hours in Australia a precious life is lost to suicide. A figure that I still can’t quite comprehend nor do I want to. This isn’t about saving lives rather it is about creating more conscious connections with ourselves and each other.

I began writing this blog a few days ago and wasn’t sure where it was going. As I sit and finish my blog a few days later I have had a moment of clarity. For the last four or so years I have written simply because I love to write, it is also a part of who I am. It allows me to connect to my heart space and unleash what is going on in my sometimes monkey mind. I would love and invite you to be a part of #connecttocreatechange#. It is time to show up, be vulnerable and ask for your input, ideas and thoughts on how you feel change can be created. Sometimes it is the simplest of gestures that can change someones life forever. If you could change the world, what would it be?  Never underestimate the strength and power of humanity, kindness and love. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.





1. Vulnerability is our most accurate measurement of courage – Brene Brown

25446476_938589839623934_2610992832859783417_nVulnerability is our most accurate measurement of courage – Brene Brown

Writing for me is a part of who I am. Without it I am not sure where my life would be right now. It takes me to a place where nothing else matters. The purpose of my blog is to write with a compassionate heart especially on the days that I don’t want to. Today is one of those days and I am reminded that these are the times that I need to dig deep and change my perspective of where my head space it at. My body is tired and all I want do is climb under my doona and sleep. I live in Queensland now and the weather doesn’t allow doona kind of days. I could potentially continue to lie on the couch and feel sorry for myself or I can write. Clearly this is what I have chosen.

To be vulnerable is not something that we are taught to do. We are often told that we need to be strong, that we need to have it all together or that we need to feel a certain way. That doesn’t really work for me. It is tiring and consuming to be someone who we are not. I would choose raw and real any day. To be vulnerable is one of the greatest gifts that we can possibly give ourselves and others. I really don’t believe we were meant to live our lives having to do it all on our own.

I was having a conversation with my roomies a few days ago and we were talking about our ideal relationship and what expectations we have not only on ourselves but on others. The conversation that took place is one that has left me pondering. We all want to be independent people and not have any expectations from others but does that in turn can leave us isolated and not emotionally available.

What if we took off the masks and just presented exactly as we were. To openly admit what it is that we are feeling without being afraid of being hurt or judged. For it to be perfectly ok to have days when we just can’t adult. We seem to forget that we can’t have one without the other. Where there is light there is darkness and on the days that it is too dark we can use the light of others to ignite what we need.

For me my needs right now are simple. A meal that is being cooked, for me to openly admit that I am not feeling the best I can be and to accept the love and warmth from those around me. Sometimes it isn’t that simple and showing up as we are can scary. But what if it wasn’t and what if our imperfections were actually perfect. Vulnerability is our most accurate measurement of courage. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.





23. If you want to see the love of your life, look in the mirror.


I came across this quote this morning and it struck a chord for a number of reasons. The most important relationship that one can have is with oneself and yet as humans we often put ourselves last. We tend not to look after ourselves well, we eat the wrong foods, and we indulge in things that do not make us feel good. We engage in conversations that leave us feeling drained and sometimes have relationships that are not in our alignment.  Sound ridiculous but time and time again it happens.

When I read the words, “love of your life” the first thing that came to my mind was about being in relationship. So clearly this is where I have been going wrong! The love of my life has to be me first and foremost and then the rest will just fall into place, so it seems. Sounds so simple, yet it would have to be one of the hardest life lessons that I am still learning. Life is a work in progress. Having been in two long term relationships in the last 20 odd years has certainly shown me that I have not put myself first. The past is just that and there is no point in dredging it up other than to learn from what we have experienced.

Having been single for the last 5 or so years you reckon I may have learnt something by now. This time has certainly given me the space and energy to work on the love of my life, which by the way I now have discovered is me.  I have certainly realised and understood the importance of self-love and take very active steps to nourish this relationship. What I also know is that this took me a very long time to understand. It was only because I hated so much of myself that I realised and understood how much of me there was to love. This evidently wasn’t something that I learnt overnight. It has been something that I continue to work on. I validated my love and worth through relationships and was measured by how much a man loved me. This by the way wasn’t a hell of a lot so you can imagine how high and established my self-worth was. By the way we teach people how to treat us, so my level of self-esteem was only mirrored by the relationships that I was in.

So in reflection I know that this is a reminder to keep my heart open. To live my life from my heart space and to remain connected to myself and others for this is living with a purpose. To truly feel and recognise that I am worthy and deserving of love. To honour and feel that my heart is open to receiving love gracefully and unconditionally. If you want to see the love of your life, look in the mirror. Blessed be and so it is.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.




22. “Be the light that helps others”


I am on my way to Melbourne for Christmas. I have been living on the Gold Coast for almost 6 months now so being at home with my family feels especially important. It is not to say that I haven’t appreciated every other year but distance has certainly given me another level of appreciation. I just watched one of our family movies. It is a compilation of pictures composed to some music. It is about 5 or so years old and so much has changed. What I am immensely grateful for especially is the connection that I have with my abundant family.

I can’t help but reflect on those that at Christmas feel terrible grief and loneliness. I feel my aunt and uncle who can’t spend Christmas with their daughter since she completed suicide. This will be another year, or perhaps the first for so many that find Christmas extremely difficult and sad.  I am not here to fix it or to say that I have a magic wand or an answer. What I do know is how important connection and family is especially during these times. The definition of family is different for everybody. It is what we are connected to that matters most. As I flick through old pictures and movies I am overwhelmed with the connection of my loved ones and find immense gratitude in all that I have.

I find Christmas to be such a double edged sword. I love the connection and prosperity but I don’t enjoy the amount of consumerism that we tend to indulge in. What is highlighted for many is the disconnection that can sometimes avalanche into a deep slump. This year especially I feel that there is so much more to do in this space. We can’t force people to connect but what we can do is live from our hearts where connection is truly felt. I know for me this year I have spent a lot of time in my head. It hasn’t been pleasant and is a guaranteed brain drain. The Gold Coast has certainly forced me to slow down and be in the moment. Living in another state from my family and friends, means that connection is more important than what it ever has been.

There is an opportunity to learn from everything in our lives.  Personally it is often the most painful of situations where the greatest learning arrives. Doesn’t make it any easier but instead finding the gift is the treasure amongst it. So for now I have no grandiose way to make anything better or different. I am however reminded that connection and community is what life truly is about. I work in the space of suicide prevention and the statistics are shattering. There is no magic wand but there is however a zero suicide strategy.  The fundamental principles of humanity is one in which we are all responsible for. It is often the simplest of acts that can be the most profound. You never know where the lessons will unveil.  As I thanked mu Uber driver for his mints, water, comfy car, cool conversation and music, he remarked “it doesn’t take much to be human” He is absolutely right!. Be the light that helps others. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.





21 “Flow to where the soul knows” Sonia


I was doing some reading at work today. There are days when I can read information and it simply filters in and out. Today I came across a statistic that has sat with me for most of the day. It read that 58% of people that complete suicide do not have a mental illness. Suicide awareness and prevention is an area of my life that I am passionate about personally and professionally. Some days it feels like there is so much to do on such a great scale. There was dialogue that took place and I must admit I felt defeated and tired by this national crisis that we are all facing. I got home and this statistic still stirred through my mind. These are the days when I find that writing is most important. If I walk around feeling defeated the energy that I carry will reflect this. I may as well quit.

What this statistic also tells me is that there are so many people that are suffering in silence. I have worked in the area of mental health for the last three or so years. I have also had a history of mental illness so this has been the area in which my attention has been directed. I was jolted to a different place today and really felt that there is so much more to do in this space. People complete their lives for so many reasons. The reasons are far and few between and I am by no means a health professional or expert in this field. However what I do know is that there is a lack of connection, resilience and hope when an individual feels that this is the only answer.

I don’t have the answers nor do I profess to know them. What I do know is that we all have a personal responsibility not only to ourselves but to each other. Self-love and worth is still an area that is overlooked. Instead we tend to focus on the “stuff” that in the end doesn’t matter. Basic community and humanity seems to get lost along the way. The statistics tell us that as a country this is a crisis, so clearly something isn’t working.

It saddens my heart to know that there are so many individuals that have felt that suicide is the answer. I know this feeling all too well and feel so passionate about making a difference and creating change. It all starts within us. It is in our everyday actions and the way we treat each other. It is our responsibility towards one another and where loyalty and respect is paramount. It is a knowing that every action has a reaction so it is our own choice on where we choose to direct this energy. No I physically can’t stop someone from suicide and it is not my job to save anyone. Instead what I can do is change the way I look at things. I especially love the quote which I have commented on so many times before. The late Dr Wayne Dwyer states “when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change” How are you choosing to see the world? Flow to where the soul knows. Blessed be and so it is.

With a sprinkle fo fiary dust and may magic follow your day.




20. “Don’t let anybody walk through your mind with their dirty feet” – Ghandi



I heard this quote twice yesterday. When I heard it for the second time I really stopped to listen and feel what it meant for me. Earlier that day I had been listening to some radio station. They were talking about forgiveness. I almost changed it but something stopped me. The announcer explained that when we hate someone every day it requires a lot of effort and energy. The act of forgiveness happens once and we are done. Sounds pretty simple and it was definitely something that I needed to be reminded of. I am no angel, far from it. I am a human having a spiritual experience. I don’t love all the time but for most of the time I have an open heart. My blog is about writing with a compassionate heart even on the days when I don’t want to. These are the times when I need it the most.

So after having heard the quote twice and having listened to the story about forgiveness I figured there was certainly something that I needed to look into. There is no surprise that someone from my past surfaced and had been only what they can be. Being compassionate also means that the other party is doing the best that they can and they are in their own process of healing. Look if you had of heard me at the time it was quite the contrary, but a day or two later and I have learnt to not let someone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.

First and foremost we are human beings. I believe in order to evolve that we have to experience all the extremities of emotions, irrespective of whether they feed good or bad. Sometimes or not it helps to analyse the crap out of a misdoing and we simply do our head in. On a conscious level we are aware that the thoughts we are allowing to consume us are only generating a negative impact on our bodies and lives.

Our souls remind us that what we are going through is for the greater good or is redirecting us to a bigger and better place. However our minds and our bodies can tell us otherwise. We carry anger, distaste and attempt to rationalise the injustice that has occurred. Unfortunately or not our bodies can take a little more time to catch up to what we truly know. Respecting and honouring the process is paramount to our evolvement. I am all for love in fact I thrive in an atmosphere of love. It is all good and well to send love and light but sometimes let’s just own it and call it for what it is. I know that anger and resentment isn’t worth hanging onto to but I also know that I am human and feeling all of what life has to offer is part of my growth and aligning me to exactly where I am meant to be  “Don’t let anybody walk through your mind with their dirty feet”– Ghandi. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.




