63. As I float on the Ocean of Life, I expertly handle stormy seas and enjoy calm blissful weather. The Universe guides me through it all.

11811552_562163560581986_779703015299478302_nIf there was ever a time to completely have trust and faith the Universe is guiding me it would have to be at this precious moment. It is exciting and scary all at the same time but with an inner knowing to feel that this is where I am meant to be right now. For the last few months I have been on the “finding a job” bandwagon. In the last 15 or so years jobs have always happened for me rather quickly and I have stepped into positions easily and swiftly. That is until now and I am being super challenged with this lesson.

What the last couple of months has taught me has been invaluable. It has taken me a while to get to this point of gratitude and the clarity has been awesome. The gifts along the way have been plentiful as I am able to reflect on the lessons and how they have arrived to this point in time. I have had to take a giant leap of faith in trusting myself and to really know and feel that the Universe guides me through it all.

Life of late has certainly felt like the ocean both stormy and calm. At the moment I am only working part time which means I have released the work that was no longer serving me for a myriad of reasons. It wasn’t about anybody being right or wrong rather trusting what was in alignment with my values of compassion, love and freedom. Sure another “job” right now would suit me financially but at the same time I would not be walking my talk and being authentic to me. With the gift of beautiful friendships, connections and a whole lot of love I have come to understand and know that this leap of faith and trust in the universe is possibly my biggest so far. Most importantly I am learning to love me more and to trust and value myself like I have never done so before.

For me right now it is about being in my heart space and not living in my head. Living in my head only leads me to being in a depressive state and not being in the moment. It is about learning to love the gifts that have been presented and to know that I have attracted this exact perfect opportunity to unveil the next amazing chapter in my life.  Our world is simply a reflection of where we are at and I know that I have mirrored the chaos that has been presented. In saying so I have also mirrored the calm beautiful connections along the way that have allowed me to see through the fog. For these connections the stormy seas have all been worth it. It has been an awesome reminder that amongst it all the truth to our own unique path is simply through an open heart, love and compassion. As I float on the Ocean of Life, I expertly handle stormy seas and enjoy calm blissful weather. The Universe guides me through it all.  Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

With HUGE love



62. Today I am willing to release the need to be right.


What does being right actually mean? I know for me when I am not in my heart space the “need” to be or feel right can be at the forefront of my mind. This is when I know that I need to take a step back and actually take in what is going on for me. Far out it is super easy to blame our lives on circumstances, the government, work, family or whatever really. It requires strength, vulnerability and a whole lot of courage to have an open heart and release the need to be right.

Of course there is a lesson for me in the affirmation today and instantly I recognised it as a gift. I felt even more compelled to live in my heart space which is truly the only way to an enlightened path with purpose. I was dealt an interesting set of cards today in regards to a particular situation. In my core I knew I was “right”. Naturally there was another side to the story and the responsibility shifted to another party.  What could have transpired was a cascading waterfall of “drama” but instead I surrendered the lesson to the universe and know that because of this situation my path can only be brighter. I could have sat for hours, days even, discussing and regurgitating the same crap. As I was walking and the situation unfolded I stopped in my tracks and simply surrendered. No more having to prove a point!

When we are not in the flow of where our lives are meant to be we are presented with blocks and as far as I am concerned there was huge block in my path today. I could have chosen to stand there to be “right” but instead I walked around it and continued on my path. A few minutes later it started raining and I initially I was annoyed that I was getting wet but I looked up and Mother Earth graced me with a rainbow! I could have missed the magic if I didn’t get out of my head and into my heart. It was magical and I felt my heart burst open with compassion, first and foremost for myself but for all that I was surrounded with no matter what circumstance it was bringing into my life.

Our world is simply a reflection of where we are at. If we are faced with turmoil and drama it is because it already exists within ourselves. The last 6 or so months have been mixed with turmoil and drama and hence it attracted itself to my life. It may not have been crystal clear at the time but right now I can see that the world in which I am living is a mirror of where I am at. Where I did not value myself, I was not valued by others. It would be easy to go into he\she did that but instead I choose the path of love and compassion. We always learn and I am so grateful right now for the gift of the lesson. It is giving me the opportunity to absolutely trust and surrender to the process of what my magical life has to offer. Today I am willing to release the need to be right. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.






61. Events come and go, but my love for myself is constant. I refuse criticism and judgement. Instead, I choose to understand that, in truth, all is well.

1501504_706588132786089_3171576431961616966_o Loving self is one of the most gracious gifts that we can give ourselves. We can love ourselves is various ways and for me is an area of my life that I am always learning more about. Each lesson that is presented in life ultimately is a reflection of where we are at and the universe loves to show us what it is that we have to learn. Even if it is presented in the most frustrating of ways is it all there to teach us, to take responsibility and to discover and learn more about our heart space and unconditional love. I listened to a clip by Matt Kahn the other day. Matt Kahn is an awesome spiritual teacher that I resonate with on a soul level. The clip randomly came up on Youtube and it was about addictions.  When we think about addictions sometimes the first thing that comes to mind are substances etc. What I feel this is more prevalent right now are the addictions that don’t seem so obvious. The addiction of work, the addiction of drama and chaos often gets left unnoticed or what we may consider as “normal” It is these addictions that can often debilitate our self-worth and inevitably lead us to places of not living self. So when I listened to Matt Kahn and his message of addiction I came across a specific line that was most pertinent for me. He asked “Is this the most loving thing that you can do for yourself right now?” I have reflected on this especially in the last week and I must say it has worked in the most magnificent of ways! This particular question can be used in so many aspects of life as they present on an everyday basis. I know that especially in the last few days where I have felt frustrated or annoyed in regards to a particular situation I have asked myself the very question “Is this most loving thing I can do for myself right now?” Almost immediately I can feel a calmness in my body and my response is very different to what it could possibly be. Sometimes the internal dialogue that I have is far from peaceful and calm. What would have to be most pertinent about love for self is also recognising my worth. I feel that this is a huge lesson for me and one that continues to present itself. There are so many gifts that we are able to find during the times in which we perceive as being difficult or troublesome. What I am learning to embrace is the darkness as a time of nurture, rest and rejuvenation. It is important to not live in that space but to unravel the gifts and to take inspired action to live an authentic life of love filled with purpose and passion. Events come and go but my love for myself is constant. I refuse all criticism and judgement. Instead, I choose to understand that in truth, all is well. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste. With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day. With HUGE love Sonia xoxox

60. My current thought, the one I am thinking now, is totally under my control.


A few weeks ago a friend gave me a copy of The Secret by Rhonda Byrne on an audio book. I was chuffed because it meant that I had something to listen to in the car. I have been commuting to Geelong to go to work a few days a week. Funnily enough a few days prior to that I had been thinking that it would be great to have something constructive to listen to and then “bingo” there it was. As some of you may or may not know The Secret is a book about manifesting but particularly our thoughts and what we put out to the universe. So when I saw the affirmation for today I realised pretty quickly that there was a message in that for me.

Since the beginning of the year I have been dealing with grief. It doesn’t have to be or good it just is. What I have learnt about grief is that it doesn’t have to be something that we avoid and bury. Rather it is something that allows us to grow to a level that we did not know existed and to find the gifts within us and our everyday lives.

What was the realisation for me was the “phone calls” and the news that was received with each death and realising how much it had affected me. With two deaths in such a short amount of time the grief differs for each one and the magnitude and multitude of emotions that go with it range so diversely. What has affected me is that if I receive more than a missed call from one of my family members I go into anxiety believing that something “had happened”. It sounds ridiculous and dramatic but I have recognised that was what was going on for me especially after listening to The Secret. So in actual fact what I am doing is simply sending nervous and anxious energy into the universe and it is returning to me tenfold. What then exacerbates is everything else! So it them becomes a roller coaster of emotions when another aspect in my life may not be what it seems and I can spiral.

This really hit home for me last weekend so I stopped and mediated. Of course sitting on top of my CD player was a meditation about removing negative energy and I immediately felt in sync with the universe. What I do know is that I don’t have to dismiss what has been playing out in my mind but the fact that I have recognised it is a bonus. So being mindful and taking inspired action is what I did. I have no idea what the forecast is for me right now and practising patience and trusting is so important. I can choose to live in anxiety and allow life to scare me or I can honour what I am feeling, be gentle on myself, have an attitude of gratitude and work on myself day by day. For we only ever have this one moment so why not make each moment matter and every day a new beginning. My current thought, the one I am thinking now, is totally under my control. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

With love



59. I now create a wonderful new relationship. Instead of isolating myself, I am choosing to open up and let the love in.


Right now this is not a topic that I actually feel like writing about! Seeing as I am all about being authentic and walking my truth I feel that right now is the perfect time for me to write. My washing machine door has been jammed since last night. It does that sometimes. No big deal but I have just got home from work and it still doesn’t want to open. I’ve changed the setting, I have unplugged it and moved it around and then I started swearing at it. I tried to rationalise my thoughts and tell myself it is only a machine but by this stage I am crying as well. My period is due in days and the effects of a full moon leave me emotionally raw and vulnerable.  In between my sanity is being kept as I am sending messages about a getaway which I feel my body so desperately desires.

Ok so I have composed myself and had a look at the affirmation for today and thought “far out universe” I have loved isolating myself into my own little world especially in the last month or so. I went to a “blue moon” celebration last night. I loved it and I especially love the connections you make with beautiful likeminded souls. I had a 10 minute reading and I was able to give massages to those that I felt. It was such a beautiful night.  The full moon is all about releasing and letting go and what was a theme for me last night was letting go of old wounds. I rolled my eyes when she mentioned the words and she reminded me to reflect within and to really let go of what no longer served me. So as I sit here with my washing machine and a door that won’t open, a heavy chest because I have yet another cold this year and on the brink of laughing and crying I  feel within and notice what is going on for me right now.

How do we know if we have completely let go of heartache? I did a massage for a girl last night and we spoke about a broken heart. My feel is that why do we have to call it a broken heart. Can’t it be a heart that bursts open instead of breaking? If our heart is breaking from a lost love does it mean that we are still giving them our power? I know that there are no such things as coincidences and there was no mistake. I had my reading first and then had a conversation with a woman that by the way had the same name as me. Was it a lesson that I actually had to learn myself? Yes I think so!!! So rather than say a little part of me died with that relationship my feel is that my heart opened up for more love to come into my life. Anyway there is proof in the pudding. After each relationship that has ended my life become even more so enriched, abundant and plentiful. So I am more than guessing that this was the exact nudge from the universe to stop hibernating and being a bear, shave my legs and open my heart to receiving unconditional love. It is not only about receiving but giving love to the most important relationship with you. There is only one thing that can happen and that is more love. Pretty good odd I reckon! I now create a wonderful new relationship. Instead of isolating myself, I am choosing to open up and let the love in. Blessed be and so it is. Namaste.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day

Huge love



58. I am grateful for Life’s generosity. I am blessed.


This morning I woke up in a warm bed. I was able to switch on a heater, I have electricity and above all I was able to have a routine blood test with ease. The equipment used was sterile and safe. In Australia we have a system where we are able to receive medical treatment as required and I am safe walking the streets to do as I please. I went to my workplace where I have freedom and creativity to work with passion and purpose. All day I was able to eat whenever and whatever I chose. My belly was full and I was nourished. These are just a few things that were are part of my day today and I am so grateful for the generosity that is bestowed in my life.

Sometimes in life when situations tend to present themselves as challenging  or when we feel that things have not gone our way it is too easy to forget what value and substance that we do have. It is too easy to get caught up in the drama of the mishaps and lose focus on what generosity and abundance is presented. This is true for some of us but there are so many others all over the world that are suffering simply because of where they live. Countries where there is no freedom and lives are dictated. Places that do not have clean water supplies and human beings die from diseases because of the water that they drink. Food is a luxury and one meal a day if any is all that is available. Health care is not an option and countless lives are lost.

It is not about saying that we are not deserving of a beautiful home or material possessions. It is about being grateful for the generosity of living in such a country where so much is readily available to us without a thought or moment of reflection. This morning when I did go for my blood test, the nurse was running an hour late. I was cranky because I had to fast for my blood test and was hungry. I couldn’t be bothered sitting there for an hour as it wold have taken up my time and I needed to be at work. The receptionist offered me an alternative and I was able to go to another place to get done what I needed to.  It wasn’t until I sat down to write my affirmation that I have been able to reflect on “my first world problems”. It is not about berating or judging these experiences instead to take note of all that is available and feeling truly blessed because of all that I have been able to receive. I have seen firsthand at what hunger looks like in a third world country and there has been many a time that I have witnessed the never ending line of people that seek medical assistance and sometimes wait for days to receive it. It is about where we choose to spend our energy and how we all can make a difference towards love and peace in the world in which we live. I am grateful for Life’s generosity. I am blessed. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

With love



 57. I acknowledge myself for creating a wonderful experience today.


I really don’t feel like writing about creating a wonderful experience today but I know it is exactly what is what my soul requires right now. I work up this morning with a bit of a head cold, no big deal but didn’t feel my usual self. At about 5 minutes past 9 I got a call to say that I had been unsuccessful in an interview that I had earlier this week. I could tell by the tone of his voice in the “hello” that I didn’t get it.  Even though there was politeness that was coming from my conversation, my mind was screaming “really, really” I wanted to go back to bed, throw the doona over me and not come out for the rest of the day. I chose otherwise. I rose like an angry bird and put a meditation CD on instead. It helped profusely and the perspective shifted. That is not to say that I felt like a bag of beans but it was about channelling my energy elsewhere rather than focus on what was not meant to be.

So when I finally got myself down stairs and opened up the affirmation for the day I shook my head in disbelief and then thought, Ok I can turn this day around! What I did know was although I hadn’t got the job that I was really excited about there was also lots of other  opportunities that were around me at the moment. What I also did was to be mindful of ALL that I have to be grateful about and in the next moment I received an encouraging and lovely text from a dear friend. I received an email from somebody who had read my writing and had got a lot out of what I had written and it made my heart smile.  I also took my plants outside and gave them some love and attention and was reminded about how special, sacred and healing Mother Earth is and I got to a more peaceful place.

So for me right now it is not about saying that I don’t have the right to feel. In fact I feel really raw and vulnerable and I honour what that means for me. It is about being gentle and acknowledging that patience, trust and faith are the most important lessons for me to savour. It is about focusing on what I can do and being the best possible version of who I can be. I know right now I am in a really blessed place and my life is filled with so many blessings and abundance. It is not about disregarding what is happening for me internally but it is also about not fuelling or giving any power or harbouring and “victim” feelings or mentality. I can choose to write my story for today and so I am. I know that I received lots of insight from my mediation and this is where I choose to create a day filled with magic and miracles. I also have a hair appointment later today and I have great hair :) .  I acknowledge myself for creating a wonderful experience today. Blessed be and so it. Namaste

With a sprinkle of fairy diust and may magic follow your day.

With love



I trust in the Power that created me to protect me at all times and under all circumstances.

images (9)

I could not have believed this more than I do so right now. I have been doing some casual work in Child Protection in the last week. To say the least it is an environment that may not be conducive to most and at times when I have told somebody what I am doing their reply “I could not do that kind of work” Each to their own is my theory and I know for me it is not an area of my life that I could be involved in on a full time basis but for now I am enjoying the experience for what it is. What I do know in this particular scenario with two staff members and a 14yr old child I have had faith and trust that the power that created me will protect me under all circumstances. Week 1 and I have had an amazing week. Sure we can turn our heads and we can pretend that this world doesn’t exist but it’s real and it tugs at my heart strings that such a little person has had so much destruction in their life.

Today I read a Facebook status that was along the lines of “let’s bring back corporal punishment for paedophiles etc” Every person that commented agreed. My response was “Perhaps we should put effort and resources into prevention rather than reacting to the crime” Please don’t think for one minute that I condone any of that behaviour and yes I agree to punishment.  The debate for me is not necessarily about corporal punishment. Instead for me it is about that for most of us as human beings we see the other side. We easily forget that the person that has committed the crime was once a 14 yr. old child, who through not fault of their own has ended up in such circumstances.

I know it is a tough one and for those that have been affected by any such a crime it is not OK and there are no excuses but killing them won’t fix it either. The cycle of troubled and damaged childhoods needs to stop. Love, loyalty and respect for each other need to intensify to perpetual levels so we can feel the grace of goodness upon us. If this doesn’t happen we will only seek revenge instead of compassion and love for human kind.

By all means have your opinion and feel what you have to feel. This is only my perspective so take with it what you will. All I know is that I have witnessed and felt humanity, compassion, love and respect at its best in the last week, from staff that protect and care for a much damaged young person. They go to work in the face of adversity each and every day and have complete trust that they are protected. As far as I am concerned a HUGE heart, integrity and lots of love comes with that kind of trust. I trust in the power that created me to protect me at all times and under all circumstances. Blessed be and so it is. Namaste.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.




55. I earn an excellent income doing what satisfies me. I know I can be as successful as I make my mind up to be.


I really have to have a giggle at the way the affirmations and my life seem to entwine at times. I am having a laugh because today I went for an interview for a job that I have already applied for but didn’t get. Anyway the same position has come up a few months later and today was the interview (again). Thanks universe (insert sarcasm here) I love your lessons. There have been so many lessons involved in the last few months that have been affiliated with my job seeking endeavours. The most profound has been about me really appreciating and understanding my value and success.

What I have been able to really honour are the redirections. I no longer believe in the word “rejection” and whether it has been personally or professionally the “redirections” that have happened have led me to this place right now. Throughout this process I have learnt so much! Most importantly I am no longer fretting about my next step, where to from here and my energy is present and focussed.  I have learnt to be more gentle and loving towards myself and I love the prospects that are being offered to me. Most importantly I trust myself to know what is right for me and that I can totally be as successful as I make my mind up to be.

There is a quote that I have referred to a few times in my blog. It is one worth mentioning again. It was read by a man that I admire, respect and honour so very much, Nelson Mandela and written by a beautiful author Marianne Williamson. It reads. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us the most” I always revisit this speech when I feel and especially love these lines. They are so simple yet so profound. I purchased myself a little notebook on the weekend. The front cover read, One moment can change a day One day can change a life One life can change a world.  I looked at it and thought “nice” and put it back down and then I thought “hang on a minute I can be that person”. So when I talk about the process of being redirected it is in the learning that has been the most valuable.

I have learnt to value the most important relationship and that is the oneI have with myself. The last few weeks have been scattered, flat and everything else in between. The ride is never ending and it is about how we choose to manoeuvre our way through life that is the most revealing and successful of all. I won’t say that I have it all worked out, I really believe we are always learning and expanding or else life would just be boring and the same. It is all the stuff in between that is the most precious of all. So wherever life takes me for now I know that I am not afraid to allow my light to shine. I earn an excellent income doing what satisfies me. I know I can be as successful as I make my mind up to be. Blessed be and so it is. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.




I really have to have a giggle at the way the affirmations and my life seem to entwine at times. I am having a laugh because today I went for an interview for a job that I have already applied for but didn’t get. Anyway the same position has come up a few months later and today was the interview (again). Thanks universe (insert sarcasm here) I love your lessons. There have been so many lessons involved in the last few months that have been affiliated with my job seeking endeavours. The most profound has been about me really appreciating and understanding my value and success.

What I have been able to really honour are the redirections. I no longer believe in the word “rejection” and whether it has been personally or professionally the “redirections” that have happened have led me to this place right now. Throughout this process I have learnt so much! Most importantly I am no longer fretting about my next step, where to from here and my energy is present and focussed.  I have learnt to be more gentle and loving towards myself and I love the prospects that are being offered to me. Most importantly I trust myself to know what is right for me and that I can totally be as successful as I make my mind up to be.

There is a quote that I have referred to a few times in my blog. It is one worth mentioning again. It was read by a man that I admire, respect and honour so very much, Nelson Mandela and written by a beautiful author Marianne Williamson. It reads. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us the most” I always revisit this speech when I feel and especially love these lines. They are so simple yet so profound. I purchased myself a little notebook on the weekend. The front cover read, One moment can change a day One day can change a life One life can change a world.  I looked at it and thought “nice” and put it back down and then I thought “hang on a minute I can be that person”. So when I talk about the process of being redirected it is in the learning that has been the most valuable.

I have learnt to value the most important relationship and that is the oneI have with myself. The last few weeks have been scattered, flat and everything else in between. The ride is never ending and it is about how we choose to manoeuvre our way through life that is the most revealing and successful of all. I won’t say that I have it all worked out, I really believe we are always learning and expanding or else life would just be boring and the same. It is all the stuff in between that is the most precious of all. So wherever life takes me for now I know that I am not afraid to allow my light to shine. I earn an excellent income doing what satisfies me. I know I can be as successful as I make my mind up to be. Blessed be and so it is. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.




I constantly find new ways of looking at my world. I see beauty everywhere.


The last few days have been somewhat revealing and I love the way that the lessons unveil. I had a healing a few days ago and what came up for me was to acknowledge the way in which I felt about various things in life. It was predominantly the “stuff” that was making me feel anxious or unsettled for whatever reason. What I was doing as “stuff” was coming up for me was to dismiss and disregard the “feeling”. I would feel it come up and then tell myself “to stop being ridiculous” or to just “snap out of it” and shove it back down again. By doing this I wasn’t acknowledging what was going on for me nor was I taking the power away from the negativity. Instead I was fuelling it. What was important for me to understand and recognise was what was actually going on.

This morning I was reading a book and a paragraph stood out for me like a big fat lightbulb aha moment. The funny or not so funny thing about it is that for whatever reason I decided to bring this book away with me. It is a book that was given to me by a dear friend about a month ago and I had only managed to read a couple of pages. So as I sat this morning and kept reading from where I had left off I knew exactly why I was reading it at this exact time. It is known that your soul truly knows what it is that you require at any point in your life so I was grateful that I had chosen to bring this particular book away with me. It was the perfect message at the most opportune time. It read “You have to learn to love the negative; you have to welcome it, because when you can see it you can take the power of out if it. You can let it go.”[i]

So in less than a week I had received the same message twice from two separate sources. I know it is an important lesson for me to learn and I have caught myself in my thought patterns. So instead of dismissing what I am feeling I am learning to console myself and speak to my inner self as I would anyone who was feeling this way, gentle and loving. I have found that it pacifies the feeling and no longer has the same fear\anxiousness attached to it. What I also tell myself is the outcome of whatever it is I am feeling and how I desire it to look\feel.  I must admit I do giggle at myself when I am having internal conversations but at least I am not shoving my emotions down for them only to turn up later on. So as I reflect on the affirmation for today I can find such beauty in the negativity of my emotions as they are teaching me to love myself on another level that I have not yet known and for this I am grateful. I constantly find new ways of looking at my world. I see beauty everywhere. Blessed be and it is so it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

With huge LOVE




[i] The Magicians Way by William Whitecloud